Chapter Eight

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The rest of the week was much calmer in comparison to the first couple of days. It started to feel like Hogwarts again. People stopped gossiping about me and Ominis and instead latched onto Garreth getting into a whole heap of trouble for blowing up a boys lavatory on the third floor when he tried mixing some god awful concoction in a toilet.

Breakfast on Saturday morning was certainly spirited due to it. Someone from Ravenclaw yelled across the room when he walked in. "Hey Weasley! How many detentions did you get for that? Bet your aunt couldn't get you out of them!"

Garreth made a 'ha ha very funny' sort of gesture and I swore I heard him mumbling as he walked past. "She's the one who GAVE me the detentions..."

I snickered into my juice and Xander elbowed me a little. "One of these days he's going to blow himself up instead of a lavatory. Did you see his eyebrows? No. You didn't, because they're gone."

"Whose eyebrows are we talking about?" Ominis kissed my cheek before he sat down and reached out toward the middle of the table, looking for a goblet. I handed him one.

"Garreth's. He doesn't have eyebrows anymore."

"I told him not to put Ashwinder Eggs in it."

"Ominis. You helped him with that mess?" Xander was shocked. So was I, really. Ominis was generally fairly straight laced.

Ominis shook his head. "Not actively, really. I was using said facilities he blew up and heard him grumbling about it. It was an offhanded comment as I washed my hands and left. Apparently not one he deemed good enough to heed, however."

A face appeared between Ominis and I. Amit. His voice was quiet. "Nine tonight, the abandoned house on the edge of Hogsmeade. Seventh years only. I don't need someone trying to sneak in a fifth year again."

I shook my head. "Why are you whispering? You're acting like everybody doesn't know about it already."

Amit stood straight and crossed him arms in front of him. "I'm aware, but you can't be too cautious. If they're going to impose a weekend curfew on us I'd rather it be after we graduate."

Ominis gave a half smile as Amit walked away. "Sort of refreshing how much Amit has changed. He's going places. Possibly Azkaban, but that's neither here nor there right now."

I popped a grape into my mouth and noticed something. I looked over at Ominis. "Where's your shadow?"

"In our room. Apparently he's spending his Saturday in there dealing with something 'important'."

"And you didn't ask what?"

"Of course I did. He wouldn't tell me, obviously. A pity, really. I was hoping to fulfill my promise to you today. I was sure he'd insist on following us."

"Well. Maybe this is for the better. Maybe he's finally given up on keeping me away from everyone." The words left my mouth, but I sincerely doubted it.

I had spent my day leading up to the party with Poppy and Natty. Natty was irritated she couldn't come, but understood why to an extent. Poppy was busy worrying about what she was going to wear. Apparently there was a Ravenclaw she had her eye on.

Natty laughed. "Something that's not yellow."

"What's wrong with me wearing yellow?"

"Nothing, but you always wear yellow, even when you don't have to. If you want to make an impression, try changing your look up a bit. Elena doesn't wear green all the time, even though she could."

"You aren't wearing green, are you Elena?"

"Ehhh...Not entirely?"

"Well then why can't I wear yellow!?

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