Chapter Thirty

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"Elena? Hey I saw the door here and- ohmygoshimsosorry!"

I jerked awake a little bit, hazy, not knowing what time it was. I turned my face and saw Poppy with Xander near the mannequins. Poppy had her dueling clothes over her arm and I assume she'd come in to hang them up, but caught Sebastian and I still sleeping, a mess of blankets and in various states of undress.

He grumped a bit then raised his head a little, seeing who'd come in before making another grumpy noise and putting his head back down on my chest. Xander just laughed as Poppy hid her face in his shoulder.

She squeaked. "Are all of you Slytherins like this?"

Xander laughed harder. "Not all. A fair few, though."

"Are you like that?"

Xander leaned down to Poppy's ear and whispered something to her, making her go bright red and scurry out of the room laughing nervously, leaving her outfit behind.

"Xander Manx, please don't corrupt my best friend."

"I thought Natty was your best friend?"

"They both are, but Natty would have had an immediate quip in response to whatever you'd just said."

Sebastian mumbled something and I looked down at him. "What?"

He lifted his face again. "I'm your best friend, damnit. Xander, I assume there's a reason you were both up here?"

"Poppy wanted to hang her outfit up and was hoping the door would be here since I told her neither of you came back last night." He said this as he went to do it himself. "I came with her because we were going down to the pitch for the game after I make a pitstop at the Owlery. Ominis is waiting outside. I don't think he came in because he knew what we'd find, cheeky bastard."

"Tell him we'll be right there."

Xander finished and left the room as well. I shuffled myself some and made to get up, but Sebastian held onto me with a death grip, his mouth against my stomach. "Where do you think you're going? He can wait a few extra minutes..."


"I was about ready to leave."

"I'm sorry Ominis, Sebastian didn't want to get up this morning."


Sebastian walked past me and leaned down to my ear. "He's not stupid, Elena..."

I smacked him, making him laugh, and Ominis to shaking his head. He wrapped his scarf around his neck and finished pulling his gloves on. "Are we taking bets today?

"I don't see why not. What's our running bet up to? Five sickles?"

"I say we wait to decide that until we go down to watch them finish up their practice flights before the game. Both Slytherin and Hufflepuff have been formidable this year and while I don't particularly want to bet against our own house, we might not have a choice."

"Oh. Look at Sebastian being the voice of reason for once."

We all bickered back and forth on the way to the pitch and for a moment I felt like we were back in our fifth year before things took the turn that they did. Granted there was no Quidditch then, but I had a distinct memory of Sebastian tripping half into the fountain and Ominis chewing him out for it right before he too, nearly went in.

We found Poppy and Xander in the stands, sitting next to them. I tried talking to Poppy, but every time she turned toward me, her face went red and she had to turn away again. I only found out after quickly turning my face that Sebastian and Ominis of all people, were making inappropriate gestures and such. Xander caught it too and tried not laughing, shaking his head. "I'm going to beat the shit out of both of you if you don't knock it off."

Silver and Green with Envy: A Sebastian Sallow StoryWhere stories live. Discover now