Chapter Twelve

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I hit the edge of the Forbidden Forest with a few minutes left to spare, when I heard Poppy call for me in a hushed shout. She was beckoning me off the path, and I went to her, the both of us obscured by an abundance of foliage.

"Never thought I'd see you in that again. A pity you weren't a Ravenclaw, blue looks good on you."

I laughed quietly. "Would have saved me some other headaches, too. Now, you saw them around here but I assume you don't know where they went?"

"No, but I have an idea. It's got to be in or really close to her nest, and I know where that is."

"Lead the way."

"Elena...Are you sure about this? I know I asked, but I know you haven't been yourself lately and while I appreciate the help more than you know, I don't need you getting hurt on my account. Highwing would be sad too."

"I'm sure, Poppy. Come on, let's go get her."

Poppy nodded and together we crept through the brush and branches, the forest around us getting darker and darker as we walked along the river. It was difficult, without being able to cast lumos. The moon only shone through the canopies in tiny patches but despite that I knew we most likely wouldn't get lost. Poppy and I had run through this forest so many times it was almost second nature, despite how long it had been. I still worried about running into spiders before we could get where we were going, though.

Crouched down, I held out an arm to stop Poppy from moving just as a few of the poachers were were looking for walked past us down the road, laughing about how much money they'd made with the last batch of Kneazles they'd brought in. 

"illusiont." I whispered, circling myself with my wand. Poppy followed suit and we snuck onto the road, keeping our distance, but making sure we kept up with them. 

About halfway up the path I heard a loud snap, and froze. So did the poachers in front of us. They looked around for a second before continuing on. "Bloody spiders." 

Poppy whispered behind me. "That was me, sorry."

I tried not to laugh, and I wanted to in my sudden nervousness. 

Several minutes and thankfully no more close calls later, we came up on their camp, which was exactly where Poppy thought it would be. I saw Highwing, struggling against her chains as a poacher prodded at her, going on about how much she'd fetch regardless of being alive or dead. If that wasn't bad enough, several other hippogriffs were chained around as well. 

I heard Poppy sniffle. But then she gasped. "Elena. That's...That can't be him, can it? He should still be in Azkaban."

Though it had been Natty that helped me get him arrested, Poppy knew the stories, and she'd done enough research. She was right. 

Standing like the ringleader he thought himself to be in the middle of the encampment was Theophilus Harlow.

Damnit. Things just got a lot worse.

I hissed through my teeth. "I need to tell Natty."

Taking a small step back, Harlow started shouting at the one prodding Highwing. "Get it under control! We have the training instructions!"

"But she won't listen!"

"Have you tried not poking at it, you idiot?"

"But, the rest of them-"

"That one", he pointed at Highwing, "is to be sold to a collector! I don't give a damn what you do with the rest of them. Kill them, pluck their feathers. Maybe it'll scare that one into listening!"

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