Chapter Seventeen

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Sebastian jerked his face back after I so easily assaulted him, holding his cheek. 

"Elena!" All of my friends shouted at me in unison, but I wasn't going to be deterred. I smacked him again, launching myself at him and shouting. "You bastard! How long, Sebastian!? How long!?"

I landed a couple good hits before Natty and Xander pulled me off of him kicking and screaming. I know I had to look as if I'd gone completely mad.

It was about that time I broke out in tears.

Sebastian had a busted lip and was holding a shoulder. He looked absolutely gutted. He walked toward me slowly on his knees. "Elena, please! I-"

Xander interrupted him. "What the hell is going on!?"

I screeched again. "He's been working for Harlow! You son of a-" I launched at Sebastian again only to be held back by Natty. 

Ominis, who had sat down in one of the chairs I had scattered around the place, sighed. "I told you she'd figure it out eventually, Sebastian."

I rounded on Ominis next. "And you! Why didn't you tell me!? You're just as guilty as he is at this point. I helped you!"

"You did. And for that I am truly grateful. But as I told you, though I don't like what he's doing, I understand why he's doing it."

Sebastian had stood and was putting dittany oil on his lip to fix it. "And now you've gone and ruined it."

"Ruined it?

I strained to break free of Natty's grip again. I wanted nothing more than to beat some sense into him for this. But she wasn't going to let me. However, there was no one holding Sebastian back. He walked up to me and got in my face, anger and worry lining his. He kept his tone even but I knew he wanted to shout.

"Yes. You ruined it by getting in Harlow's way again. It was my job to make sure you didn't. I failed. Now your safety is off the table."

"What did you want me to do? Poppy needed my help!"

"I know. And I know that's not your fault. They weren't supposed to take Highwing."

"Then why are you blaming me!?"

"Because you don't know when to quit! Because I started doing all of this for you! For nothing!"


"Because I love you, god damnit!"

Sebastian roared those words, and the room became deadly quiet. Natty's hands slipped from my arms as the tension in my body vanished. He turned away from me and sat down heavily on a nearby sofa, head in his hands.

I stared in front of me for a long moment, before tilting my head down to look at the floor. "All of you can leave. Please." 

"But..." Poppy's voice was soft, worried, but I just shook my head.

 "Please, Poppy. I just..."

I just needed to think. 

Slowly, Natty, Poppy, Xander and Ominis filed out. Sebastian stood, but didn't leave right away. He walked over to the table Natty set my packages down on, opening them up and looking inside. 

His voice was quiet. "This will look wonderful on you. But I'm begging you not to make me bury you in it, Elena."


I woke up the next morning, still in the Room of Requirement. I could tell my eyes were still red and puffy, and I truly don't think I'd slept as long as I'd hoped I did. I eventually managed to gather myself along some of my thoughts, and headed back down to the common room.

Silver and Green with Envy: A Sebastian Sallow StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt