Chapter 17

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Jack was startled. "What do you mean she wasn't there? Did you check everywhere? In the castle, her balcony, her room maybe? She has to be somewhere!" Jack ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Northe tried unsuccessfully to calm him down. "Jack listen, it was only you back there. Perhaps she left to go elswhwere? Think about this logically before you panic." Jack took a deep breath and started to leave. Just before he did so he stopped. "wait,not evem Pitch was there?" Tooth began to fidget. "You never said anything about Pitch before Jack. He was there?" Jack nodded, for the whole situation began to make more sense to him. "We need to go to Pitch. Now. She's gonna be there I know it! come on what are you waiting for?" Tooth was the one to jump up now. "Jack!" She shouted. "Stop it! Are you seriously planning to charge into battle only minutes after recovering? That's a death sentence right there! Do you care about her more than you care about your own life? Tell me!!" Tooths voice broke at the end of her sentence as she fought to keep her tears from spilling out. How could he? How could he care so much that he thought it might be better for him to die than for him to live. Was this what they called love? No, it couldn't be. Jack seemed suprised by Tooths sudden outbreak. He struggled with the descision for a while before speaking. "Okay then, I'm leaving at the end of the day. Perhaps it would be better if I got my rest before aproaching my worst enemy. The rest of the guardians nodded and silently came to an agreement. Tooth sniffled and nodded. Sometime was better than no time. Time for Jack if course.

Elsa stood infront of Pitch, only moments away from attempting a punch to his face. But she couldnt. Not unless she wanted to risk having the deal be cut off. thats right. The deal.


elsa screams as the nightmare come towards her. she tries her hardest to fight them off, but every time she defeats one it seemed as if 2 more came to take its place. In only a matter of minutes the nightmares had her on her knees bound to the floor. Pitch laughed. "oh Elsa, how should I repay you for the fact that you have disobeyed me and possibly became a threat to me? I know, who do you Love more than anyone int the world? That should suffice should it not? Ahhhh who was it, Anna I think her name was? No it was Ana that's right. Hmmmm oh or what about this one over here?" Pitch looked down at Hacks unconscious body. "Do you love Jack? Do you?" Elsa grit her teeth but said nothing. Pitch smiled victoriously. "I knew it. Both of them it is." Elsa panicked. "Wait." she called, desperation rising in her voice. "Wait. please. Don't hurt them. I'll do anything. you can wipe my memories. You can take my powers. But please leave those two out of this." Elsa ended her statement in a plea, a cry for help. Pitch nodded thoughtfully. "Anything? Anything at all?" Elsa nodded, praying she was getting somewhere with him. It worked. With a flick of his wrist, Pitch made all of his nightmare disappear. "Follow me Ice Queen" he drawled.

end of flashback.

A/N: hey guys! look im not dead! ^-^ hope you all enjoyed this part and or chapter and please, please do keep reading! im having a lot of fun writing this and I hope that you have just as much, or more fun reading it! Untill next time~

P.S. Yes I just realized that my chapters are not exactly in the right order (like where did chapter 8&9 go?) but yeahhhhh I'll fix that later probably maybe hopefully. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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