Chapter 11

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Elsa ran into her room. She sat down and breathed. Then, slowly, she began to regain her composter. After a few minutes, her breathing had slowed and she sat straight. Conceal. Conceal don’t feel. Quietly, she placed her hand on her cheek, surprisingly, it came off wet.

Flashback: Elsa stood outside next to her window, staring restlessly out the window. Outside, Anna played and laughed with her parents. Anna. Someone then walked in. Turning around quickly, she looked to see who it was. Finally. She finally saw him. Those ice blue clear eyes and snow white hair were a unique feature to only one person she knew. Jack. Jack Frost. He walked up to her and put his hand on her cheek softly. “You’re crying,” he said. And when he removed his hand, Elsa was shocked to see that his hand was glittering with her tears.

Back: Jack had only one choice now. He would have to fight.

Elsa awoke from her flashback and found herself reaching for the necklace that Jack gave her. Slowly, she put the clasps around her neck.

Flash back: Elsa stood in front of Jack, who held a box in front of her. Opening the box, Elsa found the necklace inside. Jack smiled and put it on her. The he bent over so that his head was next to her ear. “Elsa,” he whispered. Will you be my valentine?” Just before Elsa left the flashback, she was able to hear her one word answer, “yes.”

Back: Jack found that even though the monsters he battled were big and strong, they were not extremely smart. He actually had some fun with the first few. The last one tried to swipe him with his big huge hand but Jack saw it coming, he prepared himself to duck and slash upwards when suddenly, he felt a poke. Looking down, Jack saw Olaf standing there. “Hi, my name is Olaf, and I like warm hugs!” Jack looked bewildered. “What? Olaf, what are you doin-“before he could finish his sentence, he felt a large hand hit him with an extreme amount of force. Jack gasped in pain as he was thrown against a nearby tree. Olaf stayed where he was and blinked. “Hm. I wonder where he went.” And with that, he left. Jack was left lying on the floor. His head throbbed with pain and he could hardly breathe. Darkness began to enter his vision. Jack tried to reach for his fallen staff, but it was no use. His hand would no longer obey him. As Marshmallow approached him to finish its job, Jack knew that it was too late. He just closed his eyes and waited for his death.

A/N Hey! Two posts in a week! what is this!
(I actually would have killed myself if i didn't upload this today. soooo excited!)

Hoped you liked it so far!

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