Chapter 6

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Jack Frost floated towards the North Pole where North, Bunny, Tooth and Sandy were waiting. He smirked at Bunny. “Hey kangaroo,” he said. Bunny sighed with frustration. “For the last time mate, I ain’t no kangaroo.” Jack just ignored him and moved on. Tooth tugged on his sweatshirt. Jack turned to look at her as she spoke. “Did you find Elsa yet?” She asked. Jacks face suddenly fell as he sat down on a nearby bench looking defeated. “ Ummmm, not exactly.” North walked up to him. “Jack, we heard rumors that Pitch was back.” Jack simply looked out the window and nodded. “mmmm.” North sighed. Still thinking about Elsa? Well I can’t blame you. She was a pretty and good girl. It’s a shame she disappeared. Did you ever find her? I get the feeling that you’re not telling us everything.”  Jack groaned. “Yeah, I found her. But Pitch took Elsa and did something weird to her. I don’t know, it was- it was like she just forgot me you know? All of a sudden, Pitch is her best friend and I’m the bad guy. Uhgg I don’t know what to do.” Tooth piped up. “He knows you like her Jack. He’ll just continue to try to use Elsa against you, knowing that you wouldn’t dare hurt her. Did you give her the necklace like you promised you would?” Jack nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t think it would have an impact on her memories.” North shrugged. “Who knows?” Then he turned to everyone in the room. “All in favor of Jack going back to Elsa?” When everyone shouted, Jack knew the decision was already made for him. “Don’t worry Jack,” North whispered to him. “Things will unravel by themselves.”

Elsa sat on the floor of her castle, studying the necklace more. She found that when she struck the necklace with ice, the necklace slightly glowed, causing her to smile for some strange reason. Turning it over, she found her name engraved into the necklace. Gently, she traced over the letters with her finger.


Flash Back:

Elsa stood in front of a figure with the necklace. This time, she could vaguely see the figure holding a staff. Wait. A staff?? The figure touched the necklace with the staff and it lit up. When she flipped it over, The cracks that spelled Elsa were filled with ice. Beautiful.


Elsa opened her eyes and looked down at the necklace before her. Touching the cracks again, she placed ice inside and held it up to the light. The necklace glistened with beauty in every shape and form. Slowly, she put the clasps around her neck. Just before the clasps connected, there was a knock on the door. Gasping, Elsa quickly flung the necklace into a nearby compartment and headed down the stairs to open the door.

A/N: Yayy, I'm back! I haven't been here in a long time so i made an update! Hope you liked this chapter, and for those of you who actually read the authors note, here's a hint: the person at the door isn't Jack! :)

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