Chapter 4

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Realizing what she was doing, Elsa immediately got up and turned away. “Don’t trust Jack Frost Elsa,” Pitch had said when he was in her castle. “He is dangerous.”

“Leave,” she said. Her voice was soft but sure. Jack shook his head. “I’m not leaving until you remember Elsa. Look, this is the necklace that I gave to you before. Remember?” He held out his hand. In it was a snowflake necklace that looked hand-crafted. Quickly, Elsa slapped Jack’s hand away. The necklace tumbled out of his hand. “I said leave,” she said, her voice getting louder. “NOW!” Ice spikes grew at her feet. The castle became darker, signaling to Jack that now was probably a good time to leave. He had no choice. Slowly, he retreated from her castle and flew towards the North Pole to see North. He will know what to do, he assured himself.

Elsa looked down at the floor. The necklace was not too far away from the floor. Well, isn’t that Jack somewhat cute?  She thought to herself. Then she quickly shook her head. “Don’t be ridiculous Elsa!” she chastised herself. She knelt down and picked up the necklace. Instantly, images flooded her mind.

She saw herself talking to someone that she couldn’t quite see. It was too bright, too foggy. Then she saw herself obtain the necklace from the person. What? She thought to herself. She continued to watch as she studied the necklace. It was a silver snowflake that was obviously hand crafted. She saw herself turn it over and there was one word engraved on the back. Elsa. The scene suddenly shifted. She was standing on ice with the person that gave her the necklace over what seemed to be an endless hole thing. Infront of them stood another person, who practically emanated darkness. That person did something that Elsa couldn’t quite see but then, the ice under her broke. Luckily, the other person, the one who didn’t emanate darkness, caught her. Just as she started to exit the flashback, she saw two things. The necklace falling and a familiar smile on the person who broke the ice’s face. Pitch?

Frozen in Time (Jesla)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora