HUZZAH! (AKA Chapter 10)

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I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy! thank god i didn't have to rewrite. :) here is the long awaited chapter 10! drumroll please...

Jack approached the door of Elsa’s palace. Hurriedly, he knocked on the ice door. “Elsa? Elsa are you there? I need to talk to you.” Only silence answered. Jack tried again. “Elsa! EELLLSSSSAA! Are you alright? Can you please open the door?”

Elsa stood on the other side of the door. With ice in her hands, she prepared to swing open the door. She almost got herself together in order to do it when he heard Jack shout “Are you alright?” the words rang in her head again and again. Why would he care? Shaking the thought away, Elsa advanced towards the door. Throwing it open to reveal a shocked Jack Frost, she commenced in shooting ice again, and again, and again.

Jack was taken by surprise. He tried to dodge the attacks, but wasn’t quite fast enough. A shard of ice cut his cheek, and when he put his hand to it, there was blood. “Wha-Elsa! What are you doing! I’m not Pitch!” But Elsa didn’t care. Either that or she didn’t hear. But still, she continued her attacks. Jack made a wall of ice in order to protect himself. That would keep him safe, for now. Jack stood behind his wall, and continued to try to reason with her. “Did I do something wrong? Elsa, talk to me!” It was hopeless. Jack looked at his wall. The cracks in it were growing bigger by the second. This wall wouldn’t last. But he didn’t want to hurt her… Jack glanced at Elsa. Behind the ice, Elsa stood, keeping at her heavy fire. Her face was tinted with fear; even a blind man could see that she didn’t want to kill him. “Elsa, we can talk this out!” But she only shook her head. With a flick of her wrist, she created 4 more monsters, just like Marshmallow. Oh come on! Jack thought.

Elsa wiped a tear from her eye. Why was she crying? Wasn’t it him that wanted her powers, him that wanted to make her life difficult? “Kill him,” she whispered to her monsters. And with that, she left.

Jack saw her begin to leave. “Wait!” he shouted. But she continued. Just as the castle doors closed, his wall shattered and Jack was left to face the 5 Marshmallows, including the original one, by himself. For some reason, he didn’t think that this was what North had meant when he said that things would unravel by themselves.

A/N: Yay! i found my flashdrive so i can start up again! sorry for the delay, i was too busy sulking. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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