T h e R e d V i a l

76 5 20

It was an unsettling feeling in my entire body as I walked through the halls of Hogwarts. The first time I ever experienced it completely quiet and empty. It was late, no light to be seen in the corridors, and the only way for me to see where I was going was by the Lumos I had cast.

Summer break wasn't even over, what could possibly be his reason for summoning me two weeks before it's end, and in the middle of the night on top of it all.

And why me? Why not Harry? If it was important, he ought to use Harry right? Unless it was a bad thing, was I in trouble?

I tried to calm myself as I felt myself coming closer to the giant bronze statue at the entrance of his office, the griffin was well made, and I appreciated the sight before I let my legs carry me up the stairs. Before I could take a step into the office, I heard the familiar voice.

"Miss Potter, I'm pleased to see you" Dumbledore said locking his eyes with mine, he was sat at his desk, and as I came closer, he waved his wand summoning a dark brown wooden chair gesturing me to sit down, and so I did.

"Professor Dumbledore, I don't mean to be rude, but why did you call for me?" I muttered as I tried to position myself comfortably in the wooden chair
"If I did something I'm sure it would be natural to wait till morning right? Or until the break is actually over." I added carefully.

"Oh, this has nothing to do with you being in trouble miss Potter" a slight pause as he cleared his voice. "This is about Voldemort." He said calmly, the mention of his name gave me the shivers and I felt myself breaking the eye contact he desperately searched for.
I didn't have a response, I just looked at him waiting for him to go on.

"Well. Not many people know this as his very being is about pureblooded wizards and how muggles was a waste of space, well you know all of that, but Voldemort, or Tom Riddle as I know him, was born from a witch mother, and a muggle father, making him what he calls a halfblood. Now this is obviously not something he is proud about, therefore not many people know." he said and took a pause to make sure I was following "ironic" I just said, he looked amused back at me but quickly gave me a serious look as he continued.

"Yes, that is true. Another thing not many people know is that Tom's mother was deeply in love with his father, but the feeling was not mutual. Which eventually made his mom create the amortenia potion to convince him to marry her. It worked splendidly, and soon enough they were married, and expecting a child. Now this means Tom Riddle was conceived under a love potion" he said as I tried to hang on to every word he said listening carefully.

I sat up in my chair "I still don't get why this concerns me." I spat out, he looked at me like he was trying to tell me to stop being impatient, so I just leaned back in the chair again gesturing him to finish.

"A child born from a love potion cannot feel true love" Dumbledore said and handed me a tiny vial with a vibrant red liquid on the inside.
"This will change that y/n, we can only hope that giving The Dark Lord the ability to love will change the course of time and end the sufferings once and for all. I will ask this of you y/n even though I feel ashamed knowing he murdered your parents, but can you be the one to take on this mission?"

I took a deep breath looking at the vial laying still in my cold hand, I hesitated at first, truth be told I didn't want this burden at all, but then again I wanted acknowledgment and a feeling crept up my spine telling me that this was what I was waiting for, my chance to finally prove myself, and to show everyone I was good, and that my stupid brother wasn't the only saint in the family. The feeling told me that this was my call this was my purpose, I looked at Dumbledore confidence building up as I gave him a slight nod.

I didn't know what to expect after that nod, I had no idea what the 'mission' even was, my ambition just made me forget that I had no idea as to what I just agreed to. How could I make Voldemort drink a potion? It wasn't possible for me to simply get that close to him.

My thoughts were cut short as Dumbledore stood up and walked across his office, he brought back a wooden box. "This contains the most powerful timeturner ever created me and the other teachers have been perfecting it for months y/n. For you." He said engaging me to open the box, and as I did I saw a perfectly normal looking timeturner, looked just like the one Hermione had, but something told me it was all but normal.

"This can turn you back multiple years, in your case to 1976. This was Tom Riddles sixth year at Hogwarts," he explained. "What if I meet him later and he remembers me but, I haven't aged a day?" I asked. "The timeturner possesses the power to protect its owner, so whoever looks at you has their memory slightly altered to make sure you are not recognized by any of the people you met then if you meet them again when you come back. So let's say, you meet Sirius Black for instance, he can become your best friend during the year, but he will not be able recognize you when he meets you again in this timeline, he will find your face familiar, but won't be able to know why. He can however remember if you tell him yourself why he finds you familiar, so if you don't speak of it when you return you will be fine." he added. The timeturner was put into my hand by the headmaster and suddenly my hand wasn't the cold thing anymore I felt the ice-cold golden piece of jewelry sending shivers throughout my body as soon as it made contact with my skin.

"How do I come back? How long does it last, what am I even supposed to do?" I said in a stressed tone feeling my breath speed up before Dumbledore put his hand on my shoulder with a reassuring look in his eyes. "You will have a whole year as I mentioned, to give Tom the potion and push him in the right directions toward the light. You will need to get close to him to do so, and once the year has gone by you will be brought back here as long as you still have the timeturner, so keep it close, for you it will be a year, for me it will be about two weeks. And you will be back for your fifth year in no time, no one will even notice that you're gone. Remember in the world you're going to; you will be a sixth year. Which is one of the many reasons I chose you for this y/n. Your years at durmstrang gave you a massive head start at every subject, and the knowledge you have now could even make you pass as a seventh year." He then took a slight pause and waved his wand. "This bag contains all you need of your own clothing, money for extra clothing and robes, including inks and quills, you know all you could possibly need for a year at Hogwarts". I took the bag and held it close.

"Y/n I am confident that what you accomplish during this year will help everyone, I believe in you." Those words. They flowed through my body, giving me courage and i suddenly felt like I could do this, it would be easy even. He believed in me, and I had to do this. It was now or never. I took the timeturner and placed it around my neck. "Five times" he said. "I will see you in two weeks, remember to use another name" he then said with a slight smirk on his face.

I took a deep breath out.

"One" I said loudly as I turned it for the first time.

I took the time to think about all my friends at Hogwarts, how much I loved them and my brother.

"Two" I said and turned it a second time.

I also let my head bounce to think about Draco Malfoy, we had shared some special moments, if this went right, I could save them. I could save them all.


Would this change everything about my life... Who would I be after this?


I felt my surroundings fade, a weird feeling in my head.


The room was spinning.
And the familiar office started to change slowly.

I closed my eyes as the spinning continued, and when I opened them, everything looked different, not the size of the office, but the interior. It was in other places, redder colors appeared in every piece of furniture in the office. And the portraits hanging were different, they had thick golden frames, and some of them had different motives. I quickly realized I shouldn't be standing here, this was still the headmasters office. I wasn't supposed to be here yet, I slipped out of the office and leaned against the wall just around the corner downstairs, covering my face in regret. 

What the actual fuck have I just done.

A/N: Oh shiiii, we going back in time!
Tell me what you think is going to happen!
I'm actually very nervous, hope you like the start at least!
I will try to add an author's note at the end of every chapter if everyone likes them:)

~ F A L T E R ~ Tom Marvolo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now