F i r s t L e s s o n

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"Hey! Wake up you sleepyhead!" Bellatrix shouted and threw a pillow at me. What an amazing way to wake up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes yawning loudly. "Honestly, you need to hurry, we can't be late to our first lesson" Narcissa said giving me a sympathetic smile, I blinked hard to try and feel more awake. As i opened them again I saw the time, shit only ten minutes till the first lesson.

I grabbed my skirt and shirt and got dressed quickly as ran to the bathroom. "Uhm Narcissa? You don't have any makeup I can borrow? I look like shit" I said and laughed as I looked at my tired face in the mirror. "No worries just borrow whatever you want from my drawer" she answered. "Oh and since we are like kinda friends you get to call me Cissy" she then said and I felt a warm feeling through my body, I appreciated that so much, I had always struggled with making friends on my own, all my current friends I met through my brother. And she had no idea, what it meant to me, "thank you Cissy" I said smiling so bright she could probably hear me. "Hey I want to be included as well! You can use a nickname on me too!! Bella!" Bellatrix shouted. "Of course, I'm sorry BELLA!" I shouted back.

I quickly put in the most necessary products before I tied my hair up in a half up half down style. I went out of the bathroom to pick up my robe and threw it on before putting on my black Mary Jane shoes, then i quickly added my tie. "Well you clean up nicely, and just in time let's go" Bellatrix said, I just let out a giggle and grabbed my books for the first lesson on my way out the dorm.

Our first lesson being Potions. Which was my absolute least favourite subject in all of Hogwarts. I hated it and I absolutely sucked so much that no one would ever be able teach me even though their lives depended on it.

The stress I went through this morning made me completely forget about the fact that the only reason I was here was to give that stupid potion to Tom Riddle whom I hadn't had any real contact with yet what so ever. When we got into the classroom almost all the spots where filled up, I saw one table with two spots in it and some other tables with one open spot so there were no chance I could sit with Cissy and Bella, surprised that I even wanted to sit with them. "Just go take those two sets, I'll find another one" I said, they just smiled and took the spot, Narcissa mouthing thank you before I went on.

I had three options, the first being to sit next to the Marauders, which I was sure would be the most fun, and then there was a free spot next to Regulus and Evan, also a good option. And the last one, next to Tom Riddle. We all know where this is going. I had to get close to him if I were to well, eventually spike his drink. "Fuck my life" I said almost under my breath before I started walking toward the empty spot next to Tom. "Is this seat taken." I just asked, I didn't necessarily sound excited. "Well no one else is sitting here so..." He said, sounding very calm, yet a lot of attitude in his voice. I took a deep breath before pulling the chair out and taking a seat.

"Hello students, as most of you, meaning everyone except miss Stark knows, I am Professor Horace Slughorn, and I teach the most interesting subject here at Hogwarts, Potions." The professor said writing his name on the blackboard, he had a chaotic look about him, yet proud, he was honestly quite adorable. "I have to ask miss Stark, but how experienced are you with potion making? I have never heard about the Starks, but I have heard great things about Durmstrangs education programmes." He said and looked at me excitement in every word he spoke. "Well the Starks are from Norway, just as Durmstrangs location. I have to be honest, potions weren't ever really my best subject..." I said trying to make him lower his expectations without telling him how I'm absolutely terrible. "Well that is okay Miss Stark, maybe we can find a way to help you become better" he then said trying to motivate me, but it really only made me embarrassed. I ended up nodding and he started explaining todays task.

"Have you ever made a potion before? That's completely wrong." Riddle said as I started adding random stuff from the recipe. We were making a 'simple' potion today. None of them were simple so that was a lie. "I have made plenty" I growled back and rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He stated. I just ignored him and continued with my disaster of a sleeping draught. I looked over at Tom's potion. It looked slightly (meaning a lot) different than mine... nah whatever.

~ F A L T E R ~ Tom Marvolo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now