W h a t A n A b s o u l u t e A s s h o l e

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After dinner I separated myself from Bella and Cissy, hoping to catch Tom Riddle on my way back. He had left dinner early, and my first guess was the library.

On my way there I was enjoying the walk and some alone time , I took time to look at my surroundings, the library was located in a otherwise empty corridor in the first floor. Not a long walk away from the Great Hall, but far enough to enjoy the empty quiet corridors. All I could really see in the way there was brick walls, which only contained a few frames with what I would call boring portraits. The people in them were all asleep already. Before entering the corridor containing the library entrance there was a large window, I took a look outside, it was getting darker, and I could already see the stars appear in the nigh sky.

The library was huge, containing hundreds of thousands books sitting in thousands of shelves. I enjoyed reading, so I decided to find a book for myself also making it seem more natural for me to be there. I made sure to check every single shelf, trying to locate Riddle around every corner. No luck yet. I continued looking but eventually accepted defeat. I just picked up a random book about spells, deciding to go somewhere quiet to read in peace.

My quiet place if choice; Astronomy tower.

No one ever used it, at least not in my timeline. I walked there quite quickly, with the book in my hand. I climbed the stairs and almost tripped because it was so dark, that's when I realized how late it was getting. Though I didn't necessarily care, I just lit up my wand before climbing the rest of the stairs. "Are you stalking me y/n?" A cocky voice said when I entered the Astronomy Tower, Tom Riddle was sitting on the edge of the tower, feet dangling from the side. "What? No this is where I-" I stopped myself. Shit I was about to say this is where I usually go to relax, I keep forgetting that I'm 'new'. I corrected myself "sorry, I mean this is where I assumed it would be quiet, I need to clear my head." I said and took a few steps further into the room. "Oh, well I haven't got any plans to leave." He just growled back. "This is my spot" he added. "Well you don't own it" I said firmly and sat down a little further away from him. "Whatever" he said and looked out enjoying the view from the tower. I did the same for a while, then I remembered I had brought a book and opened it, looking at the different spells and charms in it.

For a few minutes I just flipped through the pages, not even remembering the fact that Riddle was right next to me, I should probably talk to him, or something. But just sitting here in silence with his presence felt like enough for now, it just made it easy to calm down next to each other. And I found myself enjoying the silence after a long day. I took out my wand "flagrate" I whispered and started drawing different small objects in the sky, the vibrant red flames dancing around until they disappeared. "Are you trying to set me on fire again?" Tom grunted, killing the silence.

"Oh are we talking now?" I asked and continued playing with the flames. "No, I just find you as safe with a wand as with a cauldron." He spat back to which I rolled my eyes , attempting to only focus on my wand. "I don't like that" Tom said bluntly. "What?" I asked. "When people roll their eyes at me" he said and stood up, taking a few steps closer to me. "It's disrespectful." He said. I decided to ignore him. Pretending I didn't hear him, staying completely calm. "Are you deaf? It's disrespectful!" He said raising his voice. I stood up, standing right in front of him, I looked up making eye contact. Trying to hide the fact that my heart rate was rising every second. "I heard you the first time, no need to yell." I said calmly and walked away from him, not looking back as I walked down the stairs.

Once I was down I started speeding up towards the dungeons again. My adrenaline level was so high it felt like my body was shaking. "Well that was exciting" I whispered to myself before entering the dorm.

"Where have you been, it's almost curfew! I can't handle loosing house points already!" Bella almost shouted once I got inside our dorm. "I'm sorry Bella! I was reading in the Astronomy Tower, and I got lost on my way back, but I'm here now" I said calming her down, thought she still looked quite mad.

~ F A L T E R ~ Tom Marvolo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now