F a c e t o f a c e - d u e l i n g l e s s o n s

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The days became weeks, five weeks to be exact, and nothing happened. I didn't even dare to make eye contact with Riddle, it all just got weird. We only spoke to eachother when we had to, which was when he tutored(tortured) me with potion lessons four hours a week. And when it came to Regulus, well it wasn't great at the moment. I had been avoiding him as well ever since the incident with Riddle, and it was honestly because I had trouble with not telling him about it. Though he probably hates me more for not speaking with him than telling him the truth.

This week was exciting. On friday Slughorn was hosting his annual dinner party with his favourite potion's students, and for some reason I was invited. Before we got to that I really wanted to make things right with Regulus, it was already Thursday evening. I guess better late than never.

I knew Regulus went back to the dungeons about one hour earlier, so if I were in luck he might still be there. And as I roamed around the empty halls I couldn't help but notice how quiet it was, like every footstep was echoing as I closed in on the Slytherin commonroom entrance. How late was it? The thought got cut short. "why are you still up?" someone said closing up behind me.

Shit. I turned around slowly and as I did my eyes locked with Severus Snape's. Deja Vu. Back in my timeline this was almost rutine, him catching me outside the dorms after curfew. "Hi" I let out carefully. "I suppose I'm going to ask you the same thing?" I added with an awkward smile. "Reading" He answered holding up a potions book. Of course he would be the type to read that crap for fun. "You still didn't answer me though" He then said looking at me. "Oh, right. I'm looking for Regulus actually. But I think he might be in the common room, so that's where i'm going now..." I said and started walking slowly to the entrance. "Wait, i'm going back now too" he said and started jogging after me to catch up.

"So are you going to the dinner party then?" I asked, even though I already knew he was going. Simply trying to make small talk. "Yes." Was all he answered. "me too." I replied, and he said nothing back, which ended up creating an awkwardly quiet vibe as we continued towards the common room.

"Pureblood" I muttered as we were standing infront of the entrance. It opened slowly and I slipped through as soon as I was able to fit. "nice speaking to you, let's do it again sometime" I said and smiled, Snape just looked at me, confused. I then hurried towards the boys dormitories. Remembering which one belonged to Regulus was the hard part. I just went with my gut and knocked on the second door. I took a deep breath crossing my fingers hoping it was the right dormitory.

The boy who opened the door looked way too familiar. Platinum blonde shoulder long hair, a cold stare and a disgusted look on his face. This was Lucius Malfoy. "Can I help you?" He let out sarcastically. "I am looking for Regulus..." I said, feeling my confidence fall whilst his eyes were boring into mine. It made me feel quite nervous, Draco used to look at me like that my first year at Hogwarts. "Right". He said and slammed the door into my face. "Rude" I mumbeled to myself and turned around, ready to go to the next dorm before I heard the doors opening again.

"You were looking for me?" Regulus Black said, I turned back around nervously. "I am, or was... as I am looking at you right now, so youknow I found you." I stuttered playing with my hands. "You did find me. Suddenly want to speak with me again after a month of silence?" He said making me feel small. "I'm sorry, I was just really ashamed, and couldn't get myself to talk with you-"

"Let me stop you right there, I'm not mad at you. It's not like you're obligated to report to me everyday. I just got worried, last time we spoke wasn't exactly a happy talk" He said and gave me a sympathetic smile as he leaned his back against the walls. "Yeah, I know. I want us to get along, I really enjoy your company" I said and smiled back at him. "That's why I felt the need to speak with you, I was so upset last time we spoke because of Riddle" I spat out, my voice sounding ashamed. "Oh... okay? I'm confused, did he do something to hurt you?" He said, his body tensing up. "No, no he didn't hurt me. We were arguing because I didn't understand his way of explaining. And for some reason he- he kissed me. And because I was tired and confused I kissed him back, and I regret it so badly, and stopped it as soon as I snapped back to reality-" I tried feeling my breathing escalate. "Hey, breathe, It's okay, you are allowed to kiss people right? Even though you regret it," he said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Yes I know... I just didn't want to upset you." I added.

~ F A L T E R ~ Tom Marvolo Riddle x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant