T h e O w l e r y

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"So basically the Christmas party is in like a month, before break! And I need a dress... and a date!" I cried. "Didn't you say Regulus asked you?" Bella asked sassily. "Well. I lied. I don't want to date Evan. He is so sweet, but like to sweet" I said and sighed. "Well a dress is easy. We get one more Hogsmeade visit before the party! So we can all get dresses there" Cissy said comforting me. "Yea. That's true. But I mean this party is quite important and I need a date" I said.

"Why don't you just ask Regulus yourself? Oh and if you don't want Evan, can I take him? I asked Riddle but he rejected me." Bella said and laughed a bit. "If Evan wants you, take him. And no I don't want to ask Regulus myself. I want him to ask me yah know. It's been a bit awkward between us the last few days. And I need to know he wants to go with my by asking me" I said in one breath. "Girl. Relax. It's all gonna be fine." Cissy said and stroke my hair. "You are probably right." I just said and sighed yet again.

"You seem very tense today, and you haven't been on your secret hiding-being alone-thinking spot in a while, maybe you should go there to make sure you don't kill anyone" Bella said and laughed. "Shut up. But yes. I need alone time." I said. "Okay, well. Go do that and meet us at dinner?" Cissy said and hugged me. "Yes, see you later" I said and faked a smile before walking out of our dorm.

Once I got out of the common room I started thinking. I can't go to the astronomy tower for alone time anymore because of Riddle. I can't stand him. So I needed a new spot. Where no one wants to be. Then I saw something, Tucker! "Hey Tucker!" I shouted as I saw him flying by. "I have the perfect place, come on!" I said, and Tucker placed himself on my shoulder as I started marching towards the owlery.

I might be wrong, but in my timeline no one ever spends time in the owlery, just quick in and outs, so this had to be perfect. And I seemed to be right, once I got there it was completely empty. Just a few owls chilling in their nests, Tucker flew over to one of them and got cozy in a big nest. I decided to sit down, leaning my back on the wall, and read a book I brought. It was a muggle book about some stupid love story. Yet it was very comforting to read.

As I was drifting into the book something distracted me, correction someone.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" A way to familiar voice growled. "I'm reading" I simply answered. "Yes I can see that. But why are you reading here?" He hissed. His eyes glaring at me intensely "Because the Astronomy tower is no longer a nice quiet place to be alone because of you. But apparently this isn't either. What are you doing here?" I spat out without taking a look at him. "Are you serious..? I stopped going to the astronomy tower too. And went here. Are you telling me I could've just used the tower all this time" he asked sounding defeated. To which I did not respond, I just stood up and looked at him.

"You know what? I'll just leave." I said before he took a step in front of me, blocking the exit. He made eye contact. "What?" I said holding my book. "Forget it" he ended up muttering and let me go.

"Why do you do that?. It seems like you want to tell me something but then you push me away?" I asked and looked at him. "I said forget about it Stark. Let's just not be near each other unless we really have to. Just go." He growled, but he was avoiding eye contact. Unlike him. "Fine" I said and started going down the stairs.

"Wait..." he said, and that's when we saw someone walking in our direction. It was Slughorn. He smiled at us. "Hello, exactly the people I was looking for!" He said and started fidgeting with a piece of paper he had with him. "Uhm I have invited the both of you to my Christmas party right?"

"Yes I believe so" I just said, Tom agreed. "Well you know that everyone needs to go with someone, have you gotten your dates yet?" He said and smiled proudly. "Well... no, but Regulus and I will probably be going together" I said quickly. "No. I have actually already decided how were going to do this" he said firmly. "What..?" Tom asked.

"Well none of your fellow slytherins can stand your constant bickering anymore, and quite frankly neither can I. And you actually need to get along because of the private lessons, so I have decided that you two should go together, bonding and all that. Wear something matching. I want to see the effort, I love Christmas parties" he said and walked away. "No wait!" I shouted after him. But he kept on walking, not looking back once. "Shit" Riddle growled


The ceilings of the great hall was looking great, the enchantment they had used looked like a sunset. The ambiance was great for a late dinner, and I was sitting next to my two best friends; Cissy and Bella. The feasts here at Hogwarts always impressed me, and this one was no different. The foods looked, tasted and smelled amazing. How could someone not love it.

"Uhm girls..." I said in the middle of enjoying dinner, they looked up at me in confusion. "What's up?" Bella asked. "Well. You know how I said Regulus would ask me to the Christmas party and everything would me fine? Well Horace Slughorn probably hates me because he is making me go with Riddle." I said while I was stabbing my food like a maniac. "Okay I understand that's upsetting, but leave your potatoes alone" Cissy mocked. "Wait? You're going with Riddle??" Bella choked. "So it seems, what am I supposed to say to Regulus?" I asked in disbelief. "Just tell him exactly that, he can't exactly deny a teacher's command either." Cissy said calmly. "There will be more opportunities to hang out with Regulus, it's going to be fine" she assured and gave me a warm smile. "I hope you're right..." I sighed.

I took an innocent look over at Regulus. He was so beautiful, and he was so pure, why isn't he the centre of the desires? At the end it doesn't matter. Because I am leaving after a year, and this will all be a blurry fever dream. I need to stop believing this is my life. I can't fall in love. Especially not with Regulus. I will just break his heart, by going back. And I need to focus on my mission. There has been to many distractions already. Yet looking at everyone right now, this is my life. And it will be for a good while.

A/N short comback chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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