B e w a r e O f T h e W e r e w o l f

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This week fairly started of calm. Nothing special was happening, Regulus flirting with me at every chance he got, and Tom telling me how dumb I was at every chance he got. I don't know why but I assumed him taking the potion would alter his personality, which it obviously had not. Not yet anyway.

The calm week on the other hand, was about to change. One of the Ravenclaw students was desperately into the moon, and its phases, so she and some of the other Ravenclaw's were planning a party this weekend. To honour the full moon. I know enough about full moons and some of the students on this school (one in particular) to know that wasn't good at all.

Now some of you might remember that I am in fact Harry Potter's sister, which gives me a first-row seat to drama and violence at Hogwarts in my timeline. And my first year as a Hogwarts student was when Remus Lupin was teaching DADA. It didn't end well. During this year I hadn't been lucky enough to hang out with the marauders during a full moon, but this party invited every sixth year and seventh year which meant for them to not go would be weird.

"Are you going then?" Bella asked as she shoved one of the invitations into my face, we were at lunch. "Well, I guess so, it sounds fun." I answered. "Yes! and there is alcohol! which makes the whole thing hundreds of times better!" Bella exclaimed. "Shh! The teachers will never let this party happen if they know there is alcohol included, you are so dumb!" Cissy whispered angrily while hitting her sister gently in the shoulder. "Shit, sorry" Bella said and let out an easy laugh.

"Do you think Tom is going, y/n?" Bella asked desperately. "How would I know?" I scoffed. "Stop obsessing over Riddle already" Cissy mocked. "Will you ask him then? please! you talk to him way more than me and-" She started; her eyes glowing. "Fine. I will ask. But no promises." I said bluntly, Cissy laughing at her desperate sister. I took a careful look over at Riddle, shocked as his eyes met mine immediately. I quickly looked away, feeling some butterflies flutter in my stomach.

After lunch Evan Rosier stopped me in the hall, at first, he was only asking some questions about defence against the dark arts class. He wasn't very good in the subject, and well I was the best in class. I was proud but didn't try to make it too obvious. I used some time to try and explain some of the best spells to use on different dark creatures. After a while of explaining I realised he was not paying attention at all. His brown eyes were dozing of somewhere else during the entire interaction.

"What is your question really, Evan?" I asked and looked at him. "I'm sorry, I really do need help in DADA, but I did use it as an excuse to speak with you..." He stated, sounding somewhat nervous. "Okay then, what can I actually help you with then?" I asked. "Well- I was only wondering if... well you know we soon have our first visit to Hogsmeade this year! And you haven't been there yet, but I want you too like it there and maybe if you want to... you and me could go and get a butterbeer there together. And I can show you around a bit" He stuttered. "Oh, of course, Cissy and Bella are also going to show me around, so just bring your friends as well! That'll be fun" I said and smiled warmly.

Me and Evan had a good tone but didn't really know each other well yet. We did have some mutual friends, but that was all. "Sure... With our friends, great idea" He answered, breaking eye contact. "Okay then. I must go, but I'll see you around" I said and waved as I walked away. "See you around..." I heard behind me as I started walking.

It was a nice day, sunshine burst through the windows in the hallways. And when you looked through the windows, you could see clear blue skies. Not a single cloud in sight. I Had to go out and enjoy the nice weather. Knowing very well winter always showed up fast at Hogwarts, taking time outside on sunny days was important.

Once I sat down in the grass, I felt the warmth of the sun sting my skin in a good way. I let myself close my eyes and enjoy for a moment. Leaning backwards on my arms as support. I was sitting in the middle courtyard, alone for the moment. A few groups of students spread around as well. All I heard around me was the laughter and sounds of their voices, which paired well together with the quiet howl of a slight breeze in the threes. All in all, a perfect day so far.

~ F A L T E R ~ Tom Marvolo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now