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"Honestly this is ridiculous." I snapped as Tom Riddle tried to explain why you needed knotgrass in a Polyjuice potion. "You're ridiculous, how do you not know this! It's basic potion making knowledge, a determined first year could make this potion." Riddle growled back; he was standing up at this point.

We had been sitting here for over an hour already and so far, all I had learned is how much of an asshole this boy was. He talked to me like I was a stupid child, and when I didn't understand his way of complicated explanations he got pissed off and called me stupid. How could I even learn from that?

"Just. Let's try to make this work." I then said taking a deep breath to calm myself down. "Okay, we can try." Tom said and sat back down on his chair. "Let's try something easier." he said and opened his potions book.

"This one you can't possibly not know, wide eye potion, what does it do, and what do you need to brew it?" Tom said after he had calmed himself down. "It's supposed to waken the user, it can even wake someone from a concussion, and you need, uhm- " I said, this potion was thought to first years. I knew what it was for, and even how to make it, but Riddle was not patient at all.

"Faster, you shouldn't have to think about it!" he said raising his voice. "Will you just let me finish! I actually knew this one, you need Snake Fangs, Wolfsbane and Billy wing Stings!" I said, raising my voice as well. "Good for you, you know how to make a stupid wide eye potion, expecting me to be proud?" he bit back, i locked my eyes with his "You are insufferable!" I shouted. "And you are stupid." He said, keeping the eye contact.

"I can't believe Slughorn is making me sit here learning nothing for two hours without a break. I would rather be locked in with a dementor" I shouted as I got up from my seat, starting to pace around the classroom. "Stop acting like a child." He said bluntly. "Then stop treating me like I'm a child!" I said still shouting.

"Will you stop shouting" he said as he got up from his seat again. "Why the hell would I stop shouting when you're behaving like an insufferable know-it-all???" I got that comeback from Snape, when he used it on poor Hermione, honestly an amazing comeback. Riddle did not like it. "Does your stupid mouth ever shut up?" He said, starting to raise his voice again. "No!" I ended up saying, we had gotten closer together, basically standing in front of each other arguing like stubborn children. "You don't even have a right to yell at me like this, you fucking Halfblood." He shouted as he looked straight into my eyes.

I let out a shallow laugh. "Ironic Isn't it? Me being a fucking Halfblood, when you are as much of a Halfblood as me. Even more so." I looked into his eyes, trying to locate weakness in them. For a moment I saw it, but it quickly turned into rage.

He pulled out his wand, and then he launched himself towards me, pressing his wand into my neck. He continued pressing it harder as I stepped backwards until my back hit the stone wall. I looked into his eyes, showing no sign of intimidation. "Shut up" he said firmly as his breath increasing rapidly. "Yeah? why don't you make me." I said calmly, still looking into his eyes. "Make you?". What came next was something i should've expected.

Still maintaining pressure on my neck with his wand he placed his other arm on the wall next to my head, relaxing his bodyweight on it. He came closer and looked me up and down. Soon after I felt his lips on mine. At first i wanted to resist, but the urge to keep going was stronger. I let myself completely give in to his kiss. It wasn't a cute loving kiss, it was hateful, with anger. The longer it lasted, the more aggressive he got. He put down his wand and I felt his hand travelling onto my neck, he placed his hand around it with a firm grip. Feeling myself work harder for air. He bit my lip and let out a harsh breath. We then continued making out, before he loosened the grip around my neck and I let out a quiet moan as his mouth travelled to my neck, kissing the spots which his hand was pressing earlier.

The pleasure didn't last for long as I snapped back to reality and pushed him off of me. "What the fuck" I said breathing heavily. "You told me to shut you up." He said sounding awfully satisfied with himself. "Just shut up, this was an awful mistake. I need to go." I said and waved my wand opening the door before I stormed out of the classroom, crashing into Slughorn on my way out. I guess it's been two hours. What a productive use of my time.


Even though my desires took control of me in the moment, and I truly did enjoy myself, I couldn't help but feel angry, sad and confused. I teared up on my way to the Great Hall. It was dinner time. I didn't feel like being humiliated right now and ended up turning away as I saw the doors of the hall, walking straight to the dungeons.

I let cry as I was walking towards the Dungeons. What was wrong with me? I was here for one reason and one reason only, to become friendly enough with Tom to give him the potion to make him feel love again, which would save the world! This was obviously not the way to go about it. I had only made everything so much worse, and I hated myself for it.

Once I got to the common room it was almost entirely empty. Everyone else was at dinner, leaving only one person still sitting there. Regulus Black. He was sitting in one of the couches in front of the fireplace. "Hey...?" He asked sounding concerned once he saw me. "Are you alright? Why aren't you at dinner?" He added.

"Uhm you aren't there either..." I spoke. "That's not the point" he answered. "Yes, I'm fine..." I said struggling to keep more tears from running down my face. "C'mere" he said and opened his arms, I felt my feet drag me towards the couch, I was desperate for comfort. I let my body fall into his arms and suddenly I was crying hysterically. "you're going to be fine, just breathe" Regulus said stroking my hair as he held me close to him. "I'm so fucking stupid" I sobbed desperately.

"No, you're not" He said firmly and made eye contact with me- "Do you hear me? whatever happened you are not stupid" He then said, which just made me cry even more. "I'm sorry, but what I did is horrible, Regulus" I said as I laid my head down on his chest again in shame. "Don't be sorry, just breathe, okay?". I nodded. he counted calmly helping me catch my breath again.

But the reason I was sorry wasn't because I called myself stupid. It was because I just made out with the person who is to kill my parents. The person responsible for Regulus's death eventually as well, and because I knew Regulus liked me, it felt like I was using him. I didn't even like Tom, he was just so annoying, he got to me, and it was all Hate. Still Regulus didn't deserve to be dragged into it, he was just so kind. He truly cared for me, I felt like I should've told him what I did but couldn't make myself do it. I didn't want him to think poorly of me ...

And in this selfish moment I let him comfort me further, until I was so exhausted from all the crying, I eventually fell asleep in his arms. 

A/N: This one is an emotional rollercoaster, I know it's like a thousand words shorter than my usual chapters, but it didn't feel like it needed more. 

Also some sessy action, you're welcome. Though becoming depressed about it as it happens is a cockblock, sorry. hehe

But we LOVE Regulus okay. 

Tom is a bitch

(Also for those wondering because i mentioned Regulus's death. Regulus eventually became a deatheater, but he defied Voldemort. Leading to his death because he tried to destroy a horcrux, Salazar Slytherin's locket. This resulted in hi drowning in Voldemorts Inferi)

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