S l u g h o r n ' s D i n n e r p a r t y

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I was on my way to Slughorn's dinner, it was late, and a cold breeze was flowing through my clothing, I was wearing an oversized shirt as a dress with a black waist corset to give it some more style, I was also wearing black high heeled shoes, and I had brought an oversized blazer in case I got cold during the dinner. I was also wearing some makeup, with a smokey eyeliner, i also added my everyday favorite cologne, with lavender and sage.

The office Slughorn hosted in was quite big, and I was looking forward to seeing what he had planned for dinner as well! I was starving at this point. On my way to the dinner, I met Sirius and James, they were both wearing black rather simple suits. They looked good though, in the least sexual way possible. They are literally my father and my godfather.

"What do you reckon we get to eat?" I asked feeling mt stomach growl for food. "I have no clue, what I am sure of is that he had the house elves make the food." James said while fixing the sleeves of his suit. "I can't even imagine Slughorn preparing dinner" Sirius said as he let out a slight giggle. "Don't be rude, I think he's an amazing chef, he can cook up some great potions, right?" I said encouraging. Slughorn was my favorite teacher, no way they were allowed to talk any form of shit about him with me.

"You look quite nice, Miss Sark." I heard a familiar voice speak behind me, I stopped and turned around to face Regulus Black, I smiled and blushed a bit as our eyes met. "Can you make it any less obvious that you're flirting brother?" Sirius said mocking his brother. I pushed Sirius's shoulder. "Don't you dare calling him out for complimenting me" I said and laughed. "You look quite nice yourself Regulus" I said back and smiled again, seeing him blush now as well. He was looking very nice actually, all black suit as well, but he just made it work even better than the two other boys.

We made it into the office, and I felt the smell of nice food flow through my nostrils as soon as I stepped in. "I am starving" I said as Slughorn welcomed us. "Well, everyone is here, so let's take a seat everyone" Slughorn said while pointing to the table. Snape and Riddle were both already seated, Riddle wearing a black shirt and black suit pants, and snape wearing a white shirt and brown suit pants. I looked over my shoulder seeing Lily and Molly at the corner of my eyes, they were wearing mini dresses, Lily's dress was all withe and molly had a flower printed summer vibey dress. "You girls look great" I said and smiled as I embraced both of them. "So do you" they said in unison letting out a laugh at the realization.

I sat down between Tom and Regulus, that was an interesting choice. Next to Regulus, Sirius was seated, with James next to Sirius. Followed by Lily and Molly, Next to Molly was Slughorn and Snape between Tom and Slughorn.

"So, I have had the house elves prepare one of my favorite meals" Slughorn said proudly, I saw James and Sirius give me an 'I told you so look' I simply ignored them. "It's a beef casserole, and we will have dessert after" he said and smiled, as the house elves brought out the food. It honestly looked delicious. And it tasted delicious as well.

The dinner had been going on for a while and Slughorn was asking everyone a lot of questions about our parents, and their work, he also wanted to know about our ambitions. He honestly just wanted to figure out which student was the biggest brag. And to be honest I respect that, he wants credit for shaping the best students, I would have done the same thing.

"So, what about your parents Stark, what do they do, in Norway" Slughorn said sounding intrigued. I tried to come up with a lie, and let my eyes wander to Lily and James... "They... Well actually- They are not with me anymore..." I ended up saying. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just recall you telling me they live in Norway." Slughorn said sounding a bit stressed. "It's fine... You couldn't have known. I don't talk much about it- or about them" I said feeling myself get quite emotional about the situation. I felt Regulus put a hand on my shoulder to support me, I just looked at him trying to smile, I am not sure if it was convincing at all. "Anyway, this food is incredible." I spat out trying to end the uncomfortable moment. Everyone seemed to take the hint, and the subject was changed.


The dinner went on, some of the others were bragging about themselves, but my mood just dropped after the talk about my dead parents, when my dead parents were young and alive in front of me at the same time. After dinner we ate dessert, it was a caramel ice cream which tasted amazing, anyone that knew me knew i LOVE caramel! But it still didn't lighten my mood. Every now and then I would comment in on the conversation, adding nods, saying yes or no, nothing special. It felt like it dragged on for a while.

"Well thank you all for coming, I am looking at the time and it's getting late" Slughorn said and smiled gently as he stood up. We thanked for the opportunity and went out, everyone seemed to follow out except Riddle. He probably wanted to kiss some more ass. I was tired, but I needed some time before going to bed, so instead of going to the common room, I went to the astronomy tower.

Once I got there, it was dark out. I felt relief as I took a deep breath of fresh air. Sitting down on the cold floor I let myself wrap my arms around my legs as I rested my head on my knees. Not feeling anything for a few minutes, not feeling that my parents are dead, not feeling that I was in another foreign timeline, not feeling that i missed home and my friends, not feeling the responsibility I was given, just accepting that some days are harder than others and simply breathing. I didn't even care about the fact that I was shivering from the cold.

"What good are you getting out of freezing yourself to death?" The only other person who used this spot said. "Go away Tom." I said and closed my eyes. "Hey, this is my spot remember?" He spat. "Whatever, honestly just leave me alone" I growled and tensed my body. "I don't think you should keep being so disrespectful" he said bluntly. "I don't think I asked about your opinion." I said and stood up locking my eyes with his, filled with hatred.

"I hate you" I said as he stared back at me. "I know. But I hate you way more." He answered still maintaining eye contact. This was not the time to flinch for either of us. "You are probably just mad because I beat your ass in dueling today" I growled. "Do you honestly think I care what much about you? Silly." He said coldly.

"Why are you even here? You are stupid and useless- Too hard to stay in Norway after your parents died? The only shameful thing about them being dead is that you are here" He growled, at that I flinched, no way he said that. That was just cruel. "What's wrong with you?" I screamed, feeling my eyes sting, fighting back the tears. And all he did was laugh down at me, he made me feel like the tiniest most useless person to ever exist. "Answer me" I said calming myself. "I don't have to answer you" he said and turned his back at me. I pulled out my wand in anger. "What are you going to do, Stark? Kill me?" He laughed and rolled his eyes, then he walked downstairs. I let out a bombarda spell, hitting the wall as he had left.

My eyes teared up at last, I wasn't fighting them anymore. And all my feelings kicked in at once. "I want him to hurt so badly!" I shouted as I broke down. And I meant it, even though I knew he couldn't feel love it was hard to take that to consideration when he literally harassed me. I had to get him that potion fast. 

A/N: this one got a bit shorter than I planned, but I still need fillers to make it make sense:) anyways, that man needs to chill the f out. 

I will be making the next few chapters longer, also kinda nervous about the next chapter. shit is going down

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