Stella Would You Take Me Home? |❌|

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We were all getting dressed in our usual everyday clothes. Flyzik made us get up because we were picking the girl up early.

Alex groaned loudly and sat on me.

"Dude?" He looked at me curiously.

"Really?" He nodded.

"WE'RE HERE!"Flyzik yelled.

We crowded around the small door leading outside. Zack opened it slowly as if we were watching a deer.

"Hey."He said cooly.


I sucked in a breath. It was her.From my dream.

"I'm Zack.This is Rian.Alex is the one who looks half asleep. And that's....."she cut him off. "Yeah. I know. I'm a huge fan." She said as if we should have known.

She looked over at me curiously. There it was. The beautiful brown, curly hair with purple streaks. Blue eyes with green and gold flecks. Just as beautiful as my dream. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Sooo.....where do I put my stuff?" I grabbed her bag and showed her to the bunks.

"This is Alex's bunk. Zack's. Rian's. Flyzik's. Mine. And you can have this one." I pointed them all out. Her's was under mine and across from Zack's.

She nodded and sat down and I followed suite. She smiled shyly at me.

"I want to tell you something."She said.


"I've heard that you're a huge child..."

"I am." I said with a small chuckle.

"Well you're not alone anymore. I'm just like you."

I knew exactly what she meant too.

It means that she cuts just like me.

She talks down about herself just like me.

She suffers from depression just like me.

She suffers from severe panic attacks just like me.

She wants to be loved and wanted just like me.

And right then and there I knew that I needed her in my life.

"What's your name?"I asked.

"Trinity.Trinity Rose Meddles."

"That's a really pretty name."

She blushed bright red. "Thanks."

We walked back out with the others.
I sat by Alex and Trinity sat by Flyzik.

"So Trinity. How old are you?"


"You're of drinking age!"Alex yelled and went to the kitchen and came back with beer.

"I was drinking when I was 15 Alex."

"To Trinity becoming apart of the All Time Low family!"

We clinked glasses and took a drink.The guys were talking and I turned to Alex and held up my drink and said "Stella would you take me home!"

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