8 | human

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March 15th, 2023

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March 15th, 2023.
Unknown time.


These days, I am stuck in a land that floats between reality and fiction.
It is unlike any land my mind and heart has traveled to;
When I am there, aesthetics surround me,
Fill my heart with so much inspiration and passion,
But I am unable to capture their beauty,
Unable to do anything other than feel;
They make my heart throb,
Makw me doubt my ability, make me question:
Who am I if I fail to become better?

Human, perhaps. Just human.

I am not who I want to be yet, not special enough; that, I can't be until I do what I love.
But simply being human, can't that also be enough?
I do have what it takes to be that, at least;
Nineteen years of practice living on Earth has taught me.

All you need is a beating heart, a working mind;
A lack of good decisions does not determine your kind.
I do lack passion at times, the will to move forward, the patience to stay in a place for long;
But I also care, I love so much that it makes my heart throb.

So it could be that -simply that- that makes me human:
My bruised heart, my tired brain and my imperfect body;
Still possessing worth and beauty.

The urge to do good, my every kind act;
My smiling lips, my laughter, my praises.
When I am there for others, offering help,
And when I am alone, hurting in my bed;
My heart tends to complain: I don't feel good,
Not about myself, not about my life,
But my mind reminds softly;
I'm only human, a good human.
Need I be so hard on myself to be more?

These days, I am stuck in a land that floats between reality and fiction.
It is unlike any land my mind and heart has traveled to;
When I am there, aesthetics surround me,
Fill my heart with so much inspiration and passion,
But I am unable to capture their beauty,
Unable to do anything other than feel;
They make my heart throb,
Make me doubt my ability, make me question:
Who am I if I can't be better?

Human, perhaps. Just human.


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