16 | is sophistication enough?

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| Word Prompt: Sophistication |

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| Word Prompt: Sophistication |

5th April, 2023.
12:18 am.

P.S Sophisticated people are usually considered perfect, although perfection does not exist. And when they reveal a flaw, they are mocked. The poem is inspired by this.


"Your sophistication is an attractive trait," she said, as she lit up a brand-new cigarette.
It was my foolishness to believe her for even a split second.

That night I gathered myself -flaws and all-
and entered the party with my hopeful, nervous heart.
Sneering lips greeted me and laughed at my so-called elegance.
They mocked my very existence,
Just for the mere difference between us.

Perfection doesn't exist, but flaws are still judgeable.



1| split second- a very brief moment of time.
2| mere- used to emphasize how small something is.

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