13 | seeking tranquility

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| Word Prompt: Tranquil|

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| Word Prompt: Tranquil|

April 2nd, 2023.
8:44 pm.

P.S This is inspired by the way my mother's arms feel when they're wrapped around me.


I'm emotionally moved by the way she envelops me in her arms,
By how she smooths her love over my heart like a blanket;
covering it with her love,
so that we become deeply connected;
this pain that is mine becomes hers.

The purity of the love she harbors for me moves my heart deeply,
And then it stills with an ease and grace that doesn't come to it naturally.

A gentle sigh, a flicker of the moistened eyes before they close; perhaps these are the only signs that gives away my state of tranquility,
before all fades away and I settle in her arms which feel like my home.



1 | envelope- wrap up, cover, or surround completely.
2 | harbour- bear secretly

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