14 | mellow heart of a nemophilist

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| Word Prompt: Mellow |

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| Word Prompt: Mellow |

April 3rd, 2023.
9:01 pm.

P.S Based on the concept that nature truly make one feel mellow. 


In the forest, I've become a nemophilist,
Eleutheromania fills my mellow heart.
Swaying trees, wind's dance, my soul unbinds,
Sky of blue, where clouds like stories start.

Rainbow hues meld in a painter's dream,
Ground beneath my feet, damp with rain's kiss.
Petrichor scents the air, as I breathe deep,
Cornflowers, asters, hum of bees bring bliss.

I'll wither like the forest's cherished blooms,
For the woods are both around and within.


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