34 | deemed folly

51 17 21

| Word Prompt: Historical |

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| Word Prompt: Historical |

April 23rd, 2023.
2:06 pm.

P.S This is inspired by those who love the history so much that it gets hard for them to live in the present.


She was as if lured out of a historical book,
Allured by the shimmering lights of New York.
She feverishly sought its history, visualized its corruption;
Decided her delicate heart did not belong in the present.

There were no horses on the busy streets,
No gentleman offered a long, peaceful walk.
She was scoffed at for seeking romance,
For engaging strangers in small talk.

Her love of sad poetry, and her odd little habits,
made her whole but deemed her folly.



1 | allured- charmed
2 | deemed- consider
3 | folly- lacking good sense
4 | feverishly- in an energetic manner
5 | lured- tempted

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