One Shot

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"Elle! You remember that group I showed you? Big Bang? The Korean one that you liked so much?"

"Oh, yeah! Uhm....the one with that stone cold fine ass, Top?" Elle replied with a question of her own.

"Yeah!~ Well, I entered this contest thing a few weeks ago and I won two tickets to go see their concert in Paris!" Her friend cheered while clapping and bouncing. She noticed that Estelle hadn't budged in the slightest once she delivered the news.

"What's the matter, Elle?"

Her face shifted from interested to downtrodden. "I don't know if you know this but I work a minimum wage job just to help myself get by. I'm still in school to get my degree towards something better. It's just not in the cards right now, Xandy."

Xandy scoffs and rolls her eyes. "My dad took out a huge insurance policy on my mom know. And we save money like it's nobody's business." The tanned girl explained with a smirk. "So now you have no choice but to go now. Who knows? Maybe it'll help with your depression? Seeing all those fine men on stage?" Xandy razzed as she poked at Estelle's stomach, causing her to jerk and giggle.

"Alright, alright. I'll go," Estelle chuckled while she smacked Xandy's hand away playfully. "When is the concert?"

  "In three days!~"

Estelle's brown orbs widened in surprise. "Why did you wait until now to tell me?!"

"Uhhhhh.....cuz you don't want to be bothered a lot of the time and I didn't want to pressure you. But now you're going. So it's not that bad, right?" She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her own head.

  "Fiiiiine. I'll accept that as an answer. I am so glad this falls perfectly with spring break! I get to see gorgeous Korean men on stage and in person!"

Xandy smirked and patted Estelle's back lightly. "So glad to see this news put a smile on your face for once."

Estelle's smile faded a bit as she shrugged nonchalantly. She'd never meant to be such a downer around her friends. But it was hard for her to even blink and live every moment let alone crack a smile...or a genuine one at least.

"You're gonna have to talk to me about this sooner or later, Elle. I really care about you and I don't want anything to happen to you. You're my best friend..." Xandy sounded as if she were choked up as she spoke. Her right hand clenched at the thought of Estelle harming herself. "If anything ever happened to you...I just..."

"Shh shh," Estelle quieted as she lightly touched Xandy's hand before she pulled her into a tight hug. "Nothing is going to happen to me."

"Do you promise?" Xandy sniffled and nearly sobbed into her friend's shoulder.

The curly locked female frowned and took a moment to think. She didn't know for sure that she'd make it though most nights. How could she promise something to Xandy and she couldn't even promise it to herself in confidence?

"...Yes. I promise."

Immediately, Xandy tightened the hug until Estelle groaned in pain. "Heeeeyyy! Okkaaayyy! I'm not gonna hurt myself but you sure will if you hug me any tighter!" Estelle laughed as she tried to lighten the mood.

The smaller girl let go of her friend as she wiped her eyes and grins warmly. "I'm sorry. I-..."

"Shush the noise, now. I am fine. I am always going to be fine. You can quote me on that one, alright?"

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