Everything's Alright

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"Why isn't she answering my calls?" Jiyong breathed, his heart racing uncontrollably. "Or my texts." His thumb mindlessly scrolled through the messages between he and Estelle.

Daesung gulped discreetly and laughed weakly. "Maybe she's just overwhelmed with school? You did say she was trying to get back into a sleeping schedule."

Jiyong's gaze dug into Daesung's skin, causing tension. "A week? A week and nothing?!" He tossed his phone onto the sofa that was sitting in the middle of their dressing room.

Seungri and Daesung exchanged worried glances.

"I miss her so much. I'm so fucking worried that something happened to her," Jiyong sighed as he hunched over and rubbed his temples. "I just have such a bad feeling."

Seunghyun frowned as he moved to sit beside his friend. "They could be right, you know. School is very taxing."

Just as he was about to speak, Jiyong stood and glided across the floor to the snack table. "I don't think they are. You just ever get a very bad feeling? But you don't know what it is?" His fingers danced across the top of the table, thinking deeply. "I haven't been sleeping for nearly a week. I don't think I will be until I hear from her." He finally snatched a chocolate chip cookie and ate it quickly.

"I don't know. Maybe you're just overthinking things," Seunghyun stated, crossing his legs.

Seungri's phone buzzed wildly in his pocket, startling him out of the trance he was in. He knew so many things that had potential to destroy Jiyong but he kept them to himself (after being begged). In one swift motion, he whipped his phone out and answered it after seeing it was Xandy's number. "Yeah, babe?"

"Hey baby. Can I speak to Jiyong please?" Xandy requested politely. She looked through a small opening in Estelle's door. She was out cold for the night due to pain medication. She quieted her voice in case her best friend could hear her somehow. "It's about Estelle and why she hasn't contacted him."

His eyes widened enough for everyone but Jiyong to notice. He mouthed Estelle's name to them, watching as they adjusted nervously. "Hey! Yeah sure. Hold on." Seungri darted across the room and put the phone to Jiyong's ear.

"Hello?" The redhead answered, taking hold of the phone.

"Jiyong!~ Hi, sweetie!" She chirped suspiciously. She didn't know how to explain this. And no amount of rehearsal could ever prepare herself for Jiyong's reaction.

"Xandy?" Jiyong's tone was baffled, no doubt. "What's going on? Is Estelle okay? Why isn't she answering her phone? It's been a week! Somebody better fucking tell me something, NOW!" He'd thrown himself into a full pledged panic by this point.

"Estelle is...She..." she took a deep breath, her eyes studying her friend's unconscious figure through the crack. "She tried to commit suicide."

Jiyong felt his heart skip several beats, halting his breathing. "She..." He was speechless as his eyes began to burn incessantly. Why couldn't he have caught it before? He could have done so much to help her and he... Jiyong didn't realize he was falling until his friends rushed to his side to catch him.

"Breathe!" Daesung demanded, tapping Jiyong's cheek with the back of his hand. "You're not breathing!"

Jiyong suddenly bursted into a fit of uncontrollable sobs. He buried his face into Youngbae's shoulder while barely holding onto the phone. The guilt he was overwhelmed with crept up his back and caused his stomach to feel queasy. He couldn't focus on breathing. There was nothing he wished for more than Estelle to be in his arms. He just wanted to hug her and to comfort her.

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