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To my devoted readers,

I apologize that this isn't an update to Broken Souls. But I felt it was appropriate to write to you all and say how grateful and appreciative I am that you read my gloomy and depressing story.

I never intended to write the story for nearly 2 years (Yep! In April!). I always thought nobody would read it. I'd convinced myself that no one would care to read about how I deal with my mental illnesses mixed in with my ultimate bias group. I just would like to thank the people who were there from the beginning and even up until right now. Every person who subscribes or saves this story to their account, I...am thankful. I know my amount of subs aren't much compared to some people but I still pride myself in the group that have stuck by me.

Here we are in 2017, with people still subscribing and hoping I write more. I'll be honest. I've been in a bit of a slump for the past few months. My aunt passed away late October and it has been very hard to deal with. I've been trying to comfort my mother mostly to help her heal. My health hasn't been as good as it should have been; physically, emotionally, and mentally. I'm in the process of changing that.

2017 is the year of me and focusing on what I want and how I want to make myself happy. I'm slowly getting healthier in each aspect, which makes me feel accomplished and proud of myself for once in my life. And what makes me happy is writing for other people to enjoy. With that being said, please look forward to more chapters to come within the end of the month!

I'm currently working on chapter 17 as we speak! So please be patient with your ever so procrastinating author~ (I'm not even sure if I worded that correctly)

Also, if you guys comment more, I WILL respond to you at my earliest convenience (which is usually late into the night)! I enjoy getting notifications that you guys are commenting and loving what I'm doing. It makes me happy~

Take care of yourselves in the meantime! 💙

With love,

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