Let's Not Fall in Love

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Late into the night, Estelle's eyes flew open with light pants. She scanned the darkness for something to tether her to the waking world. The only thing that confirmed her consciousness was the warm feeling that was pressed into her back. A faint beating was felt on her shoulder blade as well as Jiyong's slowly rising and falling chest. The brunette looked to the digital clock that was on the nightstand beside her bed. The time read, '3:16' in bold red numbers.

As she regained acuity, she stretched a little bit; still feeling a light throbbing pain in her ankle. "Ow," she whimpered just below a whisper. Jiyong stirred gently from behind her, tightening his grip around her waist. She felt his hands subtly grab onto her stomach fat tenderly, causing her heart to race. It was one of the things she was the most insecure about. Why would he grab it so...intimately? Did he really have no problem with how "fat" she thought she was? Kiko is so beautiful and thin and everything a star like G-Dragon deserved. How could he possibly downgrade like that?

Her body began tensing up with every question that passed through her thoughts. The darkness of the room began to feel suffocating as she politely, but carefully, moved Jiyong's hands from around her body. She sat up slowly, afraid of waking him up as she scratched her head with a quiet yawn. A source of light finally came into her line of sight from French doors that led out onto a balcony four feet away. The moonlight shone through the glass onto her skin, making her seem ethereal at first glance.

Without thinking, Estelle pushed herself up onto her feet with a noticeable stumble. An inward hiss seeped from her mouth as she shifted her weight onto her good foot and hobbled to the doors. With a swift but silent motion, she opened the doors as a gentle breeze filled the air. She breathed in deeply, her gaze fixed on the moon now. Her body moved forward towards the railing to lean onto it and overlook the quiet city. Brunette locks swirled around her full face while she began to hum absentmindedly. The longer she hummed, the more the song could be heard inside of her mind. Because she wasn't too adept at the Korean language yet, she couldn't sing the words like Jiyong might have been able to do; or any of the other guys.

Her train of thought returned to questioning Jiyong's feelings and motives for wanting to be in her presence. A mental image of his smile flashed through her mind which made her grin widely and drop her head to continue humming.

Jiyong's eyes fluttered open at the emptiness in his arms. He looked to the clock then noticed Estelle standing on the balcony. At first, he was worried that she was feeling depressed again. The faint sound of her upbeat humming placed a content smile on his pink lips. Her happiness is what made his heart thump loudly. She looked lonely so why not go out there and conversate? They were both up and seemed to be in a halfway decent mood for once. The male crawled across the bed and hopped off onto his feet to saunter to the balcony behind Estelle quietly.

"안녕1," he whispered into her ear in a low tone, making the smaller woman jump and scream. A loud laugh emitted from Jiyong as he rested his hands on her hips to steady her. "괜찮아2," the male muttered into her hair while still snickering at her reaction.

"God, Jiyong. You nearly scared me over the edge of the railing," Estelle exhaled, feeling his half-hardened manhood rubbing against her ass blatantly. Her cheeks flushed at the thought of them actually engaging in sex and it worried her to no end. Instinctively, she pressed up against him to test his reaction.

"I would have caught you before you fell." His voice was still sleepy but smooth as he spoke. Jiyong nuzzled his face into her neck, nipping lightly as he took note of her faint grinding. He inhaled what was left of her perfume in the nape of her neck as he smiled deviously with his eyes closed. "You smell...so good," the male cooed seductively, impatiently rubbing against her thinly veiled cheeks. His hands crawled up every curve of her torso until they rested underneath her breasts to fondle them slowly.

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