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Minutes passed before Kiko knocked on Jiyong's door. She hummed quietly while looking at her sterling silver watch on her right wrist. "Jiyong! I know you're in there. So come on out. This is more important than your time with that little girl."

Immediately, the door flew open to reveal Estelle standing in front of Kiko with her arms folded. "Little girl?" she asked, irritation clear in her voice. "If you must know, I am 24 years old. Jiyong is only 26. If you are so insecure about yourself that you have to belittle me and who he chooses to hang around, you need to reevaluate your character, honey," Estelle stated simply with a slight roll of her neck, looking her from head to toe.

"Heeeyyyy, Essie." Jiyong laughed nervously and pulled the woman away from his guest. "Come on before you burst into another episode." He kissed her lips softly with a light smile, which sent Kiko into a silent fit of jealousy. Her eyes bore holes into Estelle's skin as she watched the two of them.

"Anyway. I have you and your.....friend's wardrobe. What size are you in American clothing? A 22?" Estelle's head snapped towards Kiko with a dark growl.

"Kiko, cut it out."

"I am a 16," the curly haired woman replied, getting angrier by the second.

"Oh, right, right. Alright. Well, I'll send them in with your clothes. I'm sure I can find something for you, darling." The milky toned woman winked at Estelle with a bitter smirk. She turned to leave the room, Jiyong closing the door just enough so it wouldn't close all of the way.

"Essie, you have to learn to control yourself. If you keep flying off of the handle, it's not going to end well. I know the anxiety makes it hard to control sometimes bu-..."

"What do you know! Everything is different for everyone!" she interrupted, looking at him. "I'm really on edge because you won't tell me what happened on the phone! You said it'd set me off but I just don't understand, Jiyong."

The blonde sighed softly and runs his right hand through his hair slowly. "I want to tell you but..."

"But what!"

"...it involves us not seeing each other again."

She felt a pit in her stomach as a lump formed in the base of her throat. A part of her thought that she heard him wrong which caused a flustered look on her face.

"We have a world tour to go on, Estelle. And...You have school and work..." Jiyong explained painfully, watching her face twist into a sullen expression. His heart was racing at the thought of what she would do. All she could do was stare at him and try to catch her breath.

"So...I'm never seeing you again after this weekend?" she asked silently, the lump sitting in her throat.

"I don't know, honestly. But that's no reason to stop us from having a nice time while we're still here," Jiyong stated with a smile, trying to cheer her up.

Her heart was racing while she tried to catch her breath discreetly. She couldn't muster any strength to speak to the male across the room. Fists clenched, Estelle teared up unnoticeably. "I-I...I need a moment," she rasped, brushing past him to her and Xandy's room. She shakily pulled the key out of her dress pocket then unlocked the door. Within milliseconds, she disappeared into the room. The woman slammed her back against the door and slid down while sobbing silently into her hands.

Jiyong breathed heavily as he watched Estelle break down as she parted from him. He wanted to comfort her but he knew she needed her own space.


Hours that felt like eons passed as the group readied themselves for the gala. Xandy was secretly enjoying the primping and prepping that Kiko so graciously provided for her and Estelle. She kicked her feet happily as an older woman with long black hair made the finishing adjustments to Xandy's hair. She cut her eyes over at Estelle who was sitting very still and quiet; which was very weird for her.

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