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A half hour into their walk, Estelle began to wince a little in pain at her feet. She knew she couldn't walk long. But she wanted to be alone with Jiyong even more than she wanted to be off of her feet.

The blonde noticed the look on her face and furrowed his eyebrows. "You okay?" He asked as they came up on a bridge that stretched across a river up ahead.

"Oh, it's nothing. My feet hurt. That's all. I'm kind of used to it by now." Jiyong stopped in front of her and crouched down.

"Hop on," he urged with a smile.

"Oh, no. I couldn't. I'm way too heavy. I don't wanna hurt you." Her cheeks flushed as she pulled on a curl or two of her hair.

He scoffed lightly and smiled. "You won't hurt me. I'm stronger than I look. Just hop on." Estelle reluctantly jumped onto Jiyong's back and squeaked when she nearly fell. "Don't worry. I gotcha~" He stands up straight then gripped the brunette's thighs tightly to pull her closer on his back. "Comfortable?"

His hands travelling up her thighs made Estelle fidget a little bit. She buried her face into his hair to hide her face. "Y-Yeah..." She mumbled through his bleached locks. Just as she made herself comfortable, her phone rang which blared Clint Eastwood – Gorillaz through a pocket on her dress. She wrapped her left arm around Jiyong's neck for stability to pull her phone out. It was a text from Xandy.

Message from Candy:

You okay? I'm really worried. Seungri and the others told me not to worry so much. But you know I can't not worry​. (10:36AM)

A warm grin spread across her face as she replied to her best friend in a blink of an eye with her right thumb.

Message from Elle:

Yeah. I'm fine. I promise, ya worrywart! I just wanted to take one of my walks and Jiyong wanted to tag along. (10:37AM)

Within seconds, another message from Xandy came through.

Message from Candy:

I kinda figured. I just want you to be safe. I love you, Elle. ♥♥♥♥ (10:37AM)

Just as Estelle was about to reply to the message, another longer one came through.

Message from Candy:

Oh, and that woman Kiko invited us to some sort of fashion gala she's having tonight. Including you and Jiyong. She wants us to be there at 7. Oh...and she said she was going to meet us at the hotel for something involving the gala too. I don't know what it is. But she seems pretty...pushy about it. I don't know. She's having people come and do our hair and makeup too...which is weird since she pretty much disrespected the both of us earlier. I don't exactly trust her. Especially since she keeps looking at Jiyong in a certain way. But don't be out too long. We have to put me into a dress! /good luck with that-you'll have to kill me first/ (10:42AM)

Estelle laughed at the end of the message but looked at Jiyong and wondered if Kiko really did still have feelings for him. And if he still had feelings for her too...

Message from Elle:

Well...okay. I'll let him know right now. Have fun with the guys for me!~ Especially since your bias is the panda baby right? ;) Make your move woman! I love you much, Candy.Ttyl. (10:46AM)

"Hey..." The blonde began.

"Yeah?" She jumped a little, startled by his sudden want to speak.

"I'm sorry about the whole thing with Kiko. I know she can be a know. I didn't think it'd affect you like that."

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