She's Different

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The following morning, Xandy and Estelle were waiting down in the lobby for Jiyong and his...friends.

"It's 10. Do you think he would have bailed?" Estelle asked, adjusting her sun dress. She decided to dress up today. She was going to wear the dress for the concert but this was a much better excuse. It was red with white polka dots and a white rounded collar. She often adored the pinup styled clothing. The girl also figured that the occasion called for a bit of makeup. Her lips were painted black along with black eyeliner. She had bad feet so no heels were going to be worn; black flats it was. She shifted around, getting nervous as she started to have an anxiety attack at the thought of being stood up.

Xandy looked at Estelle and laughed. "Don't you think you're overly dressed for breakfast, Elle?" she teased. "But, I don't think he'd do that." The smaller girl decided for something a little less formal than her more-than-excited best friend. She donned a black t-shirt with Big Bang on it that showcased their most recent comeback. Her jeans were skinny and lightly torn at her thighs and knees. The only makeup she bothered to put on was her perfectly winged eyeliner. She never cared to dress up like Estelle did. She was more of the casual type.

Upstairs, Jiyong rushed around his room while he added the finishing touches to his look for the day. He wanted to make a good impression on Estelle as well as Xandy. He couldn't decide what to wear so he put on something simple; jeans and a V-neck T-shirt. The blonde grabbed his favorite bottle of cologne and sprinkled himself with it; not too much and not too little. After he grabbed his wallet and took one last look in the mirror, Jiyong left his room to bang on four of the six doors that were in between his and Estelle's room.

"Come on! Are you guys ready yet! We're already late! I don't want her to think we bailed!" Jiyong shouted, hoping his friends heard him.

A taller male stepped out of his room wearing a suitcoat with a button up shirt underneath it while wearing dress pants. His hair was black and combed over to the right side with a minor part. He adjusted the buttons of sleeves as he watched his friend pace the floor anxiously. His cheekbones were definitive as they complimented his sullen eyes. "Alright, Jiyong. Calm down. We're coming. Why are you so infatuated with this girl anyway? Can she really compare t-..."

"Don't you dare say her name, Seung-hyun. You know we are through. I'll never make the same mistake again. Ever," Jiyong interrupted with a firm tone of voice and a slightly clenched jaw. He never missed a beat and continued to bang on the three other doors.

Seung-hyun sighed softly as he adjusted his suitcoat then his hair. "Okay. No need to get an attitude. It was just a question after all."

The blonde glared at the well-dressed male beside him before another male strolled out his room casually then smiled at the two in the hallway.

His hair was platinum blonde and styled into braids that reached past his shoulders. "Yo. Calm down. She's not going to disappear in a blink of an eye, man. It's only 10:01. We can afford to be a few minutes late. I'm sure she'd understand. What's her name anyway?"

"Estelle...or Elle. She said either is fine. And it's not just her. Her best friend is with her. And I'm pretty sure that if I want to get in her good graces, I have to meet her friend's criteria to get smooth with Estelle," Jiyong explained as he gave his watch occasional glances.

"Jiyooonnngggg!~" A slightly higher pitched voice called out from behind a door. It opened and a smiley male poked his head out to look at his friends. "Is your friend's friend cuuuutttee? I'd love to get to know heeerrr~" He tittered. The tanned male steps out of the room. "Where is Seeeuuuunggggrrrriiiii? We are going to be late!"

The last of the five men stumbled out of his door, fixing his blonde hair. "Sorry! I got caught up in this amazing movie. It was French, of course. But it was action packed with romantic moments and it was soooooooo....ugh!" He exclaimed happily. He was wearing a long sleeved button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His pants were a bit wrinkly due to the fact that he rushed to get dressed.

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