Family Sticks Together (Request)

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This was requested by dared-the-demon-king. Peter has a field trip to the Tower, Flash and his goons make a mess of things, and Cooper and Harley are having none of it.

Harley, Cooper, Lila, Morgan, Cassie, and Shuri are going to be in this. I am behind on Marvel and haven't seen Ant-Man Quantumania yet so please don't flame me if I don't get their personalities or anything about them right😅

Original Summary: Cooper, Peter, Harley, Lila, Cassie, and Shuri get involved with a class fight on the field trip to SI.  Morgan appears out of nowhere, and Flash and the other bullies get the shit beaten out of them.

Trigger Warnings for talking about blood, bullying, that sort of thing


Peter was just minding his own business when Mr. Warren's voice broke through the room. "Students, I have an announcement." The class acted interested and looked at the front.

"I was able to get us a field trip to....Stark Industries!" The class cheered loudly as Peter looked horrified and Flash looked back to him and smirked. Ned gave Peter a pat on the back while MJ drew his face in her Crisis Book. "The permission slip is up here, and you can come get it before you leave." 

"Maybe it could be decent!" Ned said with enthusiasm. A paper ball hit the back of Peter's head, and they looked to see Brad Davis laughing with his friends, Chad Ramirez, Henry Mars, and Mike Robinson. The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. 

The students ran up to the desk for the paper and scrambled out of the room chattering loudly. "Have a good day!" Mr. Warren called out. But his eyes narrowed at Peter when he came up. "Peter, can I speak with you privately?" Flash, Brad, Chad, Henry, and Mike snickered as they left. Brad waited for MJ and Ned, shoving Ned out of the way as soon as MJ was out the door. MJ flipped him off and dragged Ned away from them. Peter turned back to his annoyed looking teacher.

You see, Peter didn't like Mr. Warren much. He always saw Peter as believing he was better than everyone because he was smarter and had an 'internship', which he also didn't believe. His teacher was basically taking any chance he can to show his dislike towards Peter and turns the blind eye when he is getting picked on during class. Peter swallowed his annoyance and looked at his math teacher. "Yes, sir?"

"Do you know why I held you back?" Mr. Warren asked, collecting papers and cleaning his desk.

"No sir."

"Well, the field trip is to SI, where your supposed 'internship' is. I don't want to hear a word about it on the trip, you could get into some serious legal trouble for lying about something that big." Peter internally sighed, just wanting to leave.

"With all due respect, the internship is real and I can provide some paperwork to prove it-" 

"Enough, Mr. Parker. I get that you wanted some popularity and people to like you, and you were probably confused after your uncle's death and spread lies so people would pity you and believe you. You're lucky I'm even giving you the chance to go on this trip." Peter was completely confused at this point. Did his teacher really think he would use Uncle Ben's death for his own personal gain? His teacher looked back at him to make sure he was listening.

"Just stop lying and digging yourself into a bigger hole. It will only be worse in the end." Mr. Warren handed him a permission slip and guided him to the door. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Parker." He walked away as MJ and Ned walked towards Peter. They made their way out of the school, where some students were still waiting and hanging out.

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