Inez (and Claire)

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Inez looked at Claire over the pile of donated clothing on the kitchen table.

Claire was busy inhaling yet another slice of pizza. Her mouth full, she pointed at the last breadstick and asked Inez. "You gonna eat that?"

"No, please, help yourself," Inez waved at the demolished cardboard box that had earlier contained their shared dinner.

"I've been real hungry lately," Claire sprayed crumbs as she crammed the breadstick into her mouth.

"You sure you don't want just one tiny sip? Une poquito?" Inez asked, holding up her glass of red wine.

"No, I'm...I'm driving," Claire sounded disappointed.

"I guess it took that third kid to make you responsible," Inez teased.

Claire rolled her eyes and chewed her breadstick.

Inez finished her wine and returned to sorting clothes for the consignment shop, her usual Saturday night activity (when Andersen was unavailable, anyways.) Normally Inez sorted donations and watched the latest Netflix K-drama, but tonight she had her oldest childhood friend with her.

And Claire hated K-dramas.

"Predictable, good-girl-loves-bad-boy bullshit," Claire always said.

"So Tamra and Darius are coming with us tomorrow?" Inez asked as she folded a sweater, blue, mens' large.

Inez was genuinely surprised that Claire had been so open to additional passengers for their Richmond trip with Anita.

"They offered to pay for gas," Claire shrugged.

Inez inspected a child's sock and its sister for holes. Her eyes slid from the pattern of Disney princesses dancing along the Lacey cuffs of the pink socks to Claire's face, which had a disgruntled, faraway look to it.

Inez wondered if this was the moment to share, to let Claire know about Inez's...relationship with Andersen.

Claire wasn't overly protective of any of her brothers, Inez reflected. In fact, sometimes Inez thought Claire actively hated JJ, who was closest to both she and Claire in age. JJ and Claire were the very definition of Irish twins, pathos included. But...

If Claire had a favorite brother, it was her youngest, Andersen O'Malley.

When Andersen had first been sent home in a stretcher from some desert in the Middle East, officially and honorably discharged from active duty with part of his leg missing, Claire had been more scared than Inez had ever seen her. Claire had almost attacked the poor soldier standing sentry at the military hospital when the sentry'd suggested that they speak to the doctor before seeing Andersen.

"To get an idea of damage," the Private had explained.

"I'll show you damage, fuckwit!" Claire had launched herself at the man, and it had taken Inez, Andersen, Liam, Vikram, and even Claire's dad to pull her off the soldier.

Inez chuckled.

"What?" Claire spit crumbs on the table when she spoke.

"Nothing," Inez gave Claire a fond smile.

Claire frowned. She lowered her gaze and scanned the pile of clothes. "Can I have some of these if they fit my kids? For free?"

"Sure," Inez nodded.

Claire began to comb through the donations, examining each item of interest with a practiced eye and muttering to herself. "This is might fit Ben next year...Charlie can wear this...Grace would never wear this, even if it is good quality..."

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