freedom from the bathroom window

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( this is old, but I find it very cute 🤭 this love is platonic by the way )

Waving my hand slightly, I do my best to stop the bleeding. Walking to the bathroom only takes a second. But the moment I get there, I'm shocked.

"Lu-lucy? What are you doing in here- this late-"

Sighing lucy got up from her place on the bathroom floor. "Zoey, if your here for the same reason I am. Give me your hands, I have the box."

Not knowing what else to do, I stick my hands out, lucy quickly taking a hold of them. When she dose, I notice her fingers to. All of them are banged up. Just like mine need to be.

"So, how'd you cut yours?"

'we where told not to leave.  But, is she leaving to?'

Almost as if she could read my mind. Lucy answered before I had time to speak, "I was climbing out the window," mid sentence lucy slightly tilted her head back, basically jestering to the bathroom window behind her. Only the window wasn't fully intact anymore. Half the glass was missing. "yeah, I accidentally broke the window. I'm trying to find ways to sneak him in."


"Wh-what did you tell aizawa? You know, about the window?" Finishing up lucy let go of both my hands. Placing the things used to clean all my cuts and placing them back in the box. Then closing it with a soft 'click'

Looking from my hands, back to lucy she struggled. "I told him that we where playing a game of hard core hide and seek, only he didn't know what it was, so I ended up just exsplaning it really,"

Turning away from me lucy put the box back on the shelf, making sure it was exactly where it originally had been.

"Um. Did, did it go well?"

Lucy shrugged once again, "at the end of the day he choked the broken window up to being your fault. Saying your the smaller one, only you could get up there. But, I told him the truth. It was my fault the window was broken after all, I just didn't tell him how."

Confused, I tiled my head slightly, looking at her puzzled. "s-so. What did you tell him?"

Lucy sighed again, only. To then do something I didn't expect. Stepping on the toilet lid, and then on the back of the toilet. Lucy reached up, grabbing the sill of the small bathroom window, grabbing the slider she slowly slid the glass towards the other side of the window. Even though only half the glass is left. "come on, its only 12:00, mid night. Right? Come on. Your knees may get cut up. But, you want out of this prison to, right?"

Looking at me she razed a brow, keeping one hand on the window sill. Reaching down to me, I heastated. "lucy, why would we leave the dorms? Wheren't we told not to-"

"Zoey, I have some one I want you to meet? Are you ready for an adventure?"

For the first time in half a year, I'm filled with the sudden feeling of hope.  The sudden feeling of,

'everythings okay'

'I'M okay'

Suddenly smiling up at her. I Gladdy take her hand, and lucy smiles back down at me. "I'm glad. Now, I'm going to slide through first, and then. It'll be your turn"

Nodding slightly lucy pulled me up, standing on the toilet lid. Only to quickly and quietly, hop down and tip toe over to the bathroom door. Closing it then locking it, just in case. Then quckily make my way back over to lucy.

"Okay luc, I'm ready to go. Let's go."

Nodding, lucy hosted her self up and onto the sill, laying on her stomach as she sqweezed through the window. And then, suddenly, she was gone. Sliding head first out of the window.

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