New spaltoon, the meeting. 1

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Staring through they're binoculars Axel sighed, heavily.

Oh how they wished they could be in the down there to watch the splat fest from the city square.

But they where here on a mission. That mission, take out the squid sisters.  Pulling out they're long rang ink gun and scope they aimed. The green laser training on the youngest sister. For a moment, Axel suddenly panicked. They're eyes going wide due to they're racing thoughts.

'what if..'

Yet they quickly calmed they're thoughts, coughing a little into they're fist.

'no one will be paying attention enough to see it.' Axel told themself.


With her ear piece in she scanned the crowd, she scanned the stage. And lastly the squid sisters them selves. She admired them, she really and truly did. The three of them, Callie meria and Zoey her self where all friends.  She loved to sing, so much so she found her self humming along to the lyrics. Tapping her Mary Jane's to the beat.

Forgoing her worrying, she started to sing along with the overly excited crowd from her place as security.

( Three minutes later )

At the end of the song she lifted her hands, harshly clapping her hands together. Staring up at her favorite employers from the city side walk she smiled brightly.

And as she saw Callie look her way Zoey's eyes lit up and she began to beam.

Callie waved, smiled. Zoey smiled and waved back.

"And now, we'd like to thank our wonderful security!" Callie spoke into her microphone, looking directly at Zoey.

Only for Zoey's smile to drop when she noticed it. Whispering out a, "Holly fuck...oh my woomy..." She breathed out. Quickly reaching up she tapped her ear piece. "shut it down! Get them out of there!" She spoke as quietly as she could, trying not to cause a panic or alert anyone. She ignored what the sisters where saying.

"Yes, for making this seasons splat fest safe-" miria went to speak.

Only thier suddenly there came a loud bang and the screams of civilians.

"Shit!" She yelled, barely hearing her self over the screams of inklings around her. Watching as a splotch of dark blue ink hit Callie right in the four head. Zoey watched in horror as she fell to the stage floor, unconscious.

Tapping her ear piece again she shouted out orders over the sound of screams and rushing foot steps."witch way did the shot come from?!"

There was static for a moment, and then a a frantic answer. "Roof top behind you captain!"

And hearing this she turned, rushing twords the building. She was going to find who ever did this.

Having taken they're shot Axel quickly stood, accessed the situation, then kneeled. They needed to hurry, to be quick.

Reaching out they grabbed the gun case next to them, gently placing the ink scope into it they closed the lid, latching the black case closed. Taking one last look out over the city square, sighing. Axel turned around, ready to leave-

"Hold it right there."

Their gray brows knitted as they glared down what they assumed to be security. The small inkling stood before axel, and they nearly laughed. The pink and purple inkling looked nothing likt a security officer should.  The inkling before then looked, well to say the least childish. Pink and purple tentacle hair nearly touching the ground, instead of a uniform the inkling wore a skirt and sweater, with white stockings and a pair of marry janes.


"Hold it right there." She said, training her hand held ink guns sights the- the what? Just what the hell was the thing standing before her, she had never seen anything like it.

"What the hell are you?" She asked, now glaring at what ever it was.

"That's none of your damn business." The tall being practically spat at her.

Before her, what ever it was stood tall. Midnight blue tentacle hair, cut short in the back, long in the front. Kitted at her presence were the tall beings gray brows.

Reajusting her grip on her ink pistol, she glared even more taking a step closer to what ever it was that stood before her. "i don't know what you are. But you better not make a move."

And at this Zoey watched the being taken a step forward, dropping the black gun case from its hands.

"Oh yeah, the fuck you gonna do about it if I do move?" It took another two steps closer. "What's a tiny thing like you gonna do?  5'2 height havin' ass." It said, spitting at Zoey's marry janes at the end of its sentence.

Spit hitting her right marry Jane, Zoey's right eye slightly twitched. Glaring, she didn't hesitate,she pulled the ink pistols trigger.

Shooting what ever it was right in the face.

Only, Zoey's jaw nearly dropped when it was hit in the face with ink, and hardly reacted. All it did was flinch, and wipe off the ink. "Oh my woomy......" She whispered as the beig smiled at her.

"Don't move-"

Suddenly, the being was lunging at her. "Holly shit-" Zoey hardly got her words out before she found herself in the laying on the roof on the building the two where on. The being sat on top of her, cradling her waist. A leg on each side of her. This position was most uncomfortable.

Glaring, she groaned. "Get the fuck off of me!" The inkling spat venom in her sickeningly soft voice.

At this she saw the being chuckled "and if I don't?" Leaning forward, placing a hand on the smaller inklings throat, threatening her.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you." Zoey said, planely. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

Hearing this they began to laugh, a fully belly, almost crazed laugh. For a moment, Axel laughed so hard they began to cry. Reaching up they're left dominant hand, the other hand on the inklings throat.  they whipped away the ink at the edge of they're green eye.

After doing so Axel looked back down at the small inkling beneath them. "And just how, do you expect to beat me in a fight? Your small frame is no match for mine-" Axel went to laugh, closing they're eyes again to smile smuly. Only to fall the ground once a harsh blow landed on they're nose.

"Ow! You piousness little bitch!!" They yelled from the roof to floor, cradling they're nose with they're hands.


"Oh that's nothing, just you wait. The more you resist, the more I get to ruff you up." She says, quickly retreving  her ink pistol once she stood. "I had three older brothers, you bet your skinny little ass that I could fuck you up."

She points the ink pistol at the being on the ground, aiming the sights at its four head. "Now do tell me, what are you?"

"I'm a vampire squid. Bet you didn't think you'd ever seen one of my kind."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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