Chapter 2

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Lyst limped down to the dining room to find Ashley already having breakfast without her.

She waved a hand at her best friend. "Morning."

Ashley looked up. "Morning Lyst. Oh my! You look terrible... What happened?"

Trying to diffuse her anxious best friend, Lyst let out a chuckle, but it was unconvincing, earning her a look from Ashley. Lyst sighed. "Do I really look that bad?"

"No, but in the many years that I've known you, I know there's something going on in that mind of yours."

"It's a nightmare," Lyst finally confessed. "Y'know, the same one that I've told you about for ages now."

Silence fell between the two girls. Ashley knew that Lyst occasionally had these nightmares that haunted her at night. She had tried to warn Lyst about her mental health, and tried to advice Lyst to seek a therapist, but the stubborn-old Lyst didn't want to listen to her one bit, claiming that she was going to be fine. This made Ashley worry about Lyst's well being, but there was nothing she could really do.

The silence lasted for a solid twenty seconds before Ashley handed Lyst a bag of cereal and some milk, and instructed her to eat. After preparing breakfast using the ingredients Ashley gave her, Lyst dug into her meal. She was half finished with her cereal when Ashley shoved some cash in front of her.

"What's this?"

"The money you won from yesterday's race."

Lyst snatched the money from Ashley, before counting them herself. Her eyes widened upon realising the amount of money that sat on her palms. "1000 pounds!" she squealed.

What appeared to be a paltry sum of money for many was actually seen as a fortune for Lyst. The cash that she found herself holding at the moment practically made her day, and in her mind, she was going through ways she could invest them. To be honest, Lyst was very surprised that the boy bet so much money into the race, but she wasn't complaining. Besides, betting high would make their rematch even more exciting than it probably would have been.

Speaking of which, it wouldn't hurt to annihilate her opponent during the rematch by an ever so slightly larger margin, would it?

And so she made up her mind. "Ashley, I know what I'm gonna do today!"


"I'm gonna buy tyres."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Lyst, why in the world would you need tyres now? The last time I checked, your current ones are totally fine."

"I mean, they are slightly worn from all the street racing that I have taken part in." Lyst retorted. "Also, I now have the money, and it would be beneficial to have an extra set of tyres lying around, don't you agree?"

Ashley just shrugged, but if you look deep into her eyes, you could see her gears grinding inside her mind, thinking about something.

Not feeling awkward at all, Lyst poured the remainder of her breakfast into her mouth. She cleaned her bowl and spoon in a hurry, in hopes that she could get her hands on the best tyres before they're sold out. As she grabbed her keys and was about to exit from the front door, Ashley said something that caught her attention.

"Is this really what you want to do?"

"Of course," responded Lyst. "Why won't I want new tyres?"

"You know I'm not talking about that, Lyst!" Ashley snapped. "Your life now is centred around street racing. Have you seen yourself lately? You're jubilating with 1000 pounds in your hands, while you could've got a legitimate job and earn five times that in a month. Lyst, street racing cannot pay your expenses in life, and I see you're spreading your budget way too thin."

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