Chapter 5

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"Have a seat, Miss Cassidy."

Here she was, sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair in a plain white room with nothing but a door, a potted plant, and a set of tables and chairs. A tall police officer stood in front of her, staring her down like she was some kind of alien trespassing into forbidden territory, which at this point, didn't seem too far from the truth. Throughout her career of being a street racer, never once had she been caught by the police, and being in a police station felt so... off.

"Miss Cassidy," the officer began. "You are aware about why you were arrested, right?"

Lyst looked down and chewed on her lips. "Yes, officer."

"Street racing is highly dangerous and therefore illegal. This kind of offence is punishable by jail." the officer claimed. "And yet you still partake in illegal activity, Miss Cassidy."

No response.

"I'm fine with the silent treatment. But, before I give out any punishments, there is a man who wants to see you." he said. "He should be coming in a moment. I'll pass my time to him."

Once the officer left, Lyst was left staring at the closed door. Soon enough, it swung open again, revealing a man in his forties or fifties, around the age her dad would be if he were still alive. He wore a shirt and some jeans as if he couldn't decide if this was a company meeting or a family reunion. His blonde hair was not too long, but not short either, and combed nicely to give him a professional look. He gave Lyst a hearty smile as his blue eyes found where she was sitting.

And then, someone followed the man into the room, and Lyst almost jumped out of her seat.

"Hey, grid girl."

Upon recognising the boy, Lyst's blood immediately vapourised. She growled and pointed a finger at him. "You-"

"Alright, kids." The man stepped in between the two unofficial rivals in crime. "Let's keep things civilised between us, shall we?"

"Fine," Lyst grumbled. She eyed the man and sat down, arms crossed in front of her.

The man took a seat opposite of Lyst and placed his hands on the table. "Miss Cassidy, I presume that you have many questions right now. About me. About this. About Logan."

So his name is Logan, mused Lyst. Better remember that so I can hunt him down and torture the hell out of him when I get the chance.

"Let me clear some of your doubts, Miss Cassidy," he continued. "My name is Richard Powers, and I own the Powers racing team in the Western European Regional Formula 3 Championship. You have met one of the drivers in my team, Logan."

"So who's the other driver then?"

Richard smirked. "I'm looking right at her."

Lyst uncrossed her arms and stared at Richard in disbelief. "What? Me?"

Richard nodded. "Miss Cassidy, I recognise that you have immense talent in racing, but street racing is not the best platform to showcase that talent, as you may have realised by now. Therefore, I am offering you a chance to race for the Powers Formula 3 Team."

That seemed too good to be true. "Are you trying to scam me, mister? Let me tell you, I don't have a whole lot of money for you to steal, my friend."

Richard was amused. Although he tried to hide it, he failed. "I like your personality, Miss Cassidy. Very firm, straight to the point. Perfect for a racing driver."

"But regarding your question," he continued. "To prove that I am actually who I say I am, why not look me up on Google?"

Lyst eyed Richard before pulling out her phone. She navigated her way to the Internet Browser and typed in 'Richard Powers'. Eventually, something came up.

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