Chapter 7

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Not too long after signing her contract, it was Lyst's first day at the Powers Racing Team. In the early hours of morning, after having breakfast, she took Ashley to the Powers headquarters. Even though it was already Lyst's second time visiting the place, the size of the building still amazed her.

From the outside, it looked like a giant blue warehouse. But on the inside, there were multiple storeys and countless rooms in each of them. Employees took up almost every inch of the building, working tirelessly to extract every ounce of performance they could out of the racecar they were building.

Of course, with zero knowledge about the building layout, navigating the building alone would be an impossible task. That's why Lyst and Ashley had an escort waiting for them at the entrance.

"Welcome, Miss Cassidy, Miss Taylor. Pleasure to finally meet you guys." He gestured to the two girls to enter the building before continuing to speak. "I'm Michael, and I'm in charge of the Research and Development department here at the Powers Racing Team. But today it seems that Richard sent me here to be your guide."

"So, what do we need to do today?" asked Ashley.

"For you, Miss Taylor," Michael began. "I'll be taking you on a tour of this place to get you familiarised with the equipment and the new faces. But before that..." He turned to Lyst. "We need to get your seat fitted."

Michael led Lyst and Ashley along the corridors, turning corner after corner, and even up two storeys before they reached the seat fit room. It was a plain room with white walls and white lights, with a few decorations here and there. But in the middle sat a bed-like chair, or chair-like bed that looked nothing like any seat Lyst had ever seen in her life.

"Okay, Miss Cassidy, I'm gonna leave you here for your seat fit. My colleagues should be coming in soon to assist you with that." He beckoned Ashley to follow him out of the room. "Miss Taylor, come with me. I'm showing you around this place."

Lyst frowned. "What? You're leaving me like that?"

"Hey! I know I'm your manager, but that doesn't mean I have to stay by your side all the time." Ashley gave Lyst a teasing smile. "Ta-ta, Lyst!"

Ashley followed Michael out of the room, leaving Lyst staring at the empty doorway. She rolled her eyes. Not long after, two people walked into the room, holding some equipment. They plopped them beside the seat base and greeted Lyst, which she returned with a polite nod of her head.

The two employees set up some plastic sheets and foam on the seat base, and turned to Lyst. "Miss Cassidy, could you sit on this please?"

Lyst obliged, sinking into the foam that engulfed her petite figure.

"How long do I have to sit here for?" she asked.

One of the employees, Cleo, replied, "Until the foam hardens, which is about an hour or two from now."

Lyst's eyes widened. "One to two hours?"

Cleo nodded.

Man, this was going to be a long wait.


Ashley peered through the door to find a sleeping Lyst.

"Is she done yet?" she whispered to one of the employees present in the room.


Ashley watched in silence as the timer ticked. After a few minutes, Cleo poked a stick to check on the foam, and declared that the seat was ready for processing.

Ashley jumped in front of Lyst and gently slapped her on the shoulder. "Wake up, Lyst. It's over."

With the help of Ashley, Lyst stood up, stretching and massaging her arms and legs. She noticed Ashley grinning at her. "What's so funny?" she asked.

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