Chapter 18

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"Hey Ashley!" called Lyst as she stepped into the house. "I'm back!"

Ashley's head peeked through the doorway leading to the dining room and the kitchen. "Lyst, good to see you again! Here, let me help you with his," she said as she helped carry Lyst's luggage upstairs.

Once she returned downstairs again, she found Lyst staring at her open laptop. On the screen, it was showing a replay of the race at Magny Cours, specifically the time when Lyst crashed into Isaac and was arguing with him at the side of the track. "What were you doing before I came?" asked Lyst.

"The team called me today. They said you weren't kind towards them during the debrief, when they mentioned what you did after the crash." Ashley bit her lip and scratched her head. "I was just investigating..."

Lyst narrowed her eyes. "By 'them', do you mean Emma?"

Ashley nodded.

"Ashley," called Lyst. "I don't trust her. And I don't think she likes me either. She pissed me off during the debrief."

"That's a misunderstanding, Lyst." said Ashley. "Emma said she felt sorry for what she told you, but didn't have the chance to apologise to you directly."

Lyst didn't buy it, but she realised she didn't have the energy to argue with Ashley. "She's not that kind of person though. Who knows? She might just be toying with me—"

"Just trust me." Ashley held Lyst by the shoulders, trying to soothe her emotions. "I've known Emma for longer than you have. I can handle her for you, okay?"

Ashley's gaze met Lyst's and the two of them smiled.

"Okay, Ashley," said Lyst as she held out her arms for a warm embrace. "I trust you."

"I'm sorry I couldn't attend the race with you, otherwise you wouldn't have to face the team all alone."

"It's okay. You had your own things going on, and I don't blame you for not coming." Lyst let go of Ashley, but a wave of tiredness hit her, causing her to yawn. "I'm tired now, so I'll head to bed first. See you tomorrow morning!"

"Goodnight, Lyst."


The warm summer breeze was like a soft caress, momentarily eliminating all stress, as Lyst pranced through the streets of town, enjoying her well-deserved mid-season break. With no tasks and responsibilities at hand, she had the whole day to herself, and she was going to make the most out of it.

The local library was where Lyst headed to first. The moment she stepped into the building, a familiar atmosphere greeted her. People flipping through books, finding whatever information that they're after; students furiously typing on their laptops or tablets to complete their almost overdue assignments; the occasional 'shhh' that came after someone couldn't control their mouth. Although Lyst hadn't been to this place in a few years - courtesy of her street racing, and now professional racing life, it gave her some nostalgia from her school days, when she used to hang out there often to enjoy some peace and quiet.

Lyst wandered around the place, enjoying the air-conditioned interior, all the while searching for books that she could immerse herself in for the next few hours.

"Are you Alystabella Cassidy?" someone called out from behind her. She turned to see a young girl, who looked to be no more than thirteen years old, staring at her with an intrigued look.

"Yes," replied Lyst. "I am."

The little girl's face lit up. "Oh my god! I'm a big fan, Alystabella! I can't believe I'm meeting you in person—"

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