Chapter 8

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Although the contract promised her 30,000 pounds of yearly allowance, Lyst received her first taste of the money, a whopping 5,000 pounds, during the winter. With the income from the team, she was able to fix up Obsidian. By the turn of new year, with a new bumper, a new set of wheels and tyres, and a new suspension, Obsidian was as good as new.

Besides getting her car repaired, Lyst mainly spent her winter hard at work at the Powers headquarters. She would frequently visit the simulator room and practise her driving, with the help of the simulator engineers on site. Otherwise, she would be tagging along with the aerodynamicists and watching them working on the aerodynamic designs of the car. Of course, equipped with some aerodynamics knowledge herself, Lyst was able to provide suggestions and voice her opinions about certain components.

As much as she enjoyed her activities during the winter, Lyst still eagerly awaited the opportunity of driving her own racecar during the pre-season test. As the day nears, Lyst's excitement only seemed to amplify exponentially, and on the day itself, Lyst found herself prancing through her morning routine with a smile on her face.

"Come on, Ashley!" called Lyst as she stepped out the door. "Hurry up! I don't wanna be late!"

Ashley's voice echoed from upstairs. "Calm down, Lyst! You're making me nervous!"

Lyst rolled her eyes and proceeded to start up Obsidian and wait inside it. Soon enough, Ashley appeared through the doorway, locked the front door and flew towards the car. With a magnificent rev of the engine, Obsidian sped off into the distance.


"We're here," announced Lyst.

Lyst and Ashley scanned their passes and entered the paddock. Upon entering, they were greeted by a large, open-air space, filled with hundreds of thousands of motorsports enthusiasts. Different teams' motorhomes were lined up nicely at the side. Entertainment and food stalls were scattered all over the place. If not for the motorsport-themed designs, people would easily mistake this place as a market instead of a race track.

Yet, this could count as one of the most prestigious sights Lyst has ever laid her eyes on. She couldn't stop herself from feeling all giddy and energetic. Emotions that she had rarely felt since her parents died crashed into her like a tidal wave, making her overwhelmed. But for now, she remained confident, for she had a future to look towards, and it would start on that very day.

As she roamed the paddock, Lyst couldn't help but notice people gossiping about her, a mysterious girl who somehow earned a seat in the series, with zero racing experience before joining. Lyst didn't mind these people at first, but being the centre of attention for so many strangers felt awkward, and it got into her nerves. Thankfully, these people zipped their mouths tightly shut upon noticing the glares that Lyst was giving them.

"You'll need to report at your garage in half an hour. In the meantime, let's grab a snack shall we?" said Ashley.

She pulled Lyst into a familiar neon green and purple motorhome. On the outside, it looked like the size of a large lorry, but the inside felt a lot more spacious. Tables and chairs were set up nicely. Powers employees hung around, discussing work matters or just chatting to spend their time. A snack counter sat at the back, granting free snacks for anyone working in the team. It was a cosy atmosphere to say the least.

Ashley greeted the chef behind the counter, before picking up some chocolate bread and juice. She turned around, found a place to sit down, and beckoned Lyst over to join her.

She handed Lyst a portion of the food she took. Lyst took a bite and her face lit up. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Lyst." Ashley gently slapped her friend on the shoulders. She met Lyst's gaze. "But yes, work perks are the best."

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