Chapter 4

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A bright light at the corner of Lyst's eye was enough to send her senses into overdrive.

Instinct took over her. She slammed on the brakes and the clutch at the same time, and violently cranked the steering wheel to avoid whatever was approaching her at high speed.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. A ray of green flashed in front of her, before the darkness of the night town returned to her vision. Lyst found herself gliding through space and time, as if she wasn't present in her body. But that wasn't the case, because a screeching noise bombarded her ears. After all the action, there was a thud, and Lyst was left in her car in utter shock, at the side of the road.

It took a while for Lyst to recover from the rush. Soon after that, different emotions flowed through her. There was relief, denial, grief...


She hit her steering wheel hard in frustration. "Did that jerk just try crashing into me?!" she cursed, "I am so done with him!"

With her blood boiling, Lyst kicked Obsidian back into gear, and dumped the clutch, desperate to get to the finish line to talk. No, forcibly stuff some sense into the literal naive child that she happened to be racing against.

But the car only jerked and the engine cut off.

She had just stalled her car.

Alystabella Cassidy never stalls her car.

Frustrated even more, Lyst stomped out of her car to check whatever the hell was wrong with it. She looked closely at every nook and cranny present on her vehicle, observing any part that was out of place. As she rounded towards the left rear of Obsidian, a horrifying sight greeted her. The rear left wheel was entirely crushed under the car, with the rear bumper scratched and dented, and the suspension utterly obliterated by a curb that Lyst ran over too fast while dodging the psycho boy's Aston Martin.

Lyst let out a grunt. That was gonna cost her a fortune and an eternity to fix. But that was a problem for another day.

For now, all she knew was that she lost the race, and she had to find a way to get to the finish line without her car. With no one in sight, the best way, in fact the only way would be to walk there.

As tiring as that might sound, with her anger and adrenaline fuelling her, she reached the finish line in no time.

"Hey, grid girl," the boy smiled as he saw Lyst approaching. "How was your race?"

"Don't you dare grid girl me," Lyst said through clenched teeth. "You cheated."

The boy pretended to be taken aback. "How can you make these accusations?"

"You crashed into me!"

"I didn't," the boy retorted. "You crashed yourself. I made it to the line first... so I won, fair and square."

"Ugh! You-"

The distinctive sound of police sirens wailed in the distance, cutting off whatever curse Lyst was about to scream out. The crowd panicked. People rushed back to their own cars in an attempt to get as far away from the police as possible, including the boy. At the top of her lungs, Lyst yelled at the leaving Aston Martin. "Coward!"

And then realisation hit her. With Obsidian broken, she had no way to escape from the police, but to run and hide, and pray that the police wouldn't notice her.

Lyst analysed her surroundings. She was in an open area, which was not ideal. There were some buildings on the right, and she could see some alleyways. If Lyst were to sprint towards there and hide, she could probably escape from the police until everything cleared. However, they could very well spot her as she was running.

Screw it, Lyst would rather take the risk than to stand there like an idiot, waiting for her impending doom.

When the coast was relatively clear, she began dashing towards her destination. She made it around half distance before her muscles started to ache, probably due to her crash and her long walk to the finish line. But she persevered, motivated by the adrenaline and her survival instincts.

"You can do it, Lyst!" she muttered to herself.

She glanced back at where she was a few moments ago. The police had arrived, and they were arresting those who weren't fortunate enough to run away in time. Lyst didn't want to be part of them, so she continued running with all her might.

The end was in sight.

30 metres to go.

20 metres.


"Miss," a police officer called out from behind Lyst. "You're under arrest."

No. This can't be happening.

But there was no point denying that she was caught. Reluctantly, Lyst turned around to face a few officers. With her hands raised in defeat, they escorted her to a police car, and she was sent to the police station for interrogation.

This night couldn't have gotten any worse.

Apologies for the short chapter, but I assure you, longer ones are coming ;)

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Apologies for the short chapter, but I assure you, longer ones are coming ;)

Behold the questions for today:

1. Do you think Lyst is in big trouble? Or will she somehow turn her fate around?

2. How do you find the Aston Martin guy? Love him or hate him?

Next chapter here we go!

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