Chapter 13

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With the season opener at Brands Hatch over and done with, Lyst had earned herself a month-long break before the subsequent race at Magny Cours in France.

Less than a month long, actually. She still had duties to be completed at the Powers headquarters leading to the race. Nonetheless, at the moment, she returned home with Ashley to enjoy some time off.

The duo were having their dinner at a restaurant when they heard someone call them. They turned towards the source of the sound, and were met with the brunette from the street races, the one who learned her lesson of tying her hair up before counting down.

Ashley greeted the brunette first. "Hey, Lindsay! Long time no see!"

They pulled into a hug. "Good to see you again, Ashley." Lindsay then turned to face Lyst. "You too, race queen."

Lyst smiled in response. "Haven't heard anyone call me that in a long time, Lindsay."

Lindsay took a seat opposite of Lyst and Ashley, and ordered something to eat. As she waited, she caught up with what Lyst and Ashley had been up to for the past few months.

"So you're saying you got employed, and now you're racing professionally?" asked a wide-eyed Lindsay.

Lyst nodded. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but it's true."

Lindsay leaned back in her seat, pushing a loose strand of hair away from her face while she's at it. "I must say, Lyst. You're very lucky, and I'm happy for you. Congrats on that." But then she frowned. "But the street racing scene hasn't been the same without you two."

Lyst practically jumped from her seat. "What happened?"

Lindsay gave her a sad smile. "Without you two to manage the people there and show them how it's done, people have been going wild lately." She paused to think about how to phrase everything. "It's utter chaos, let's just say. Now that you're not there to show them the definition of 'dominant', people began betting insane amounts of money, some of them started driving too recklessly to prove that they're the best of the rest. Things spiralled out of control, and people got hurt. It's a real miracle the police haven't intervened since the incident last time, but I have a feeling they're on it already."

"I'm sorry you have to deal with all this now," said Ashley. "Is there anything we can help with?"

"Thanks for the offer, Ashley. But I can hold on," responded Ashley. "I feel at home at street races, and I want to change the street racing scene for the better."

"That's very noble, Lindsay. Good luck, we support you." Lyst patted Lindsay on the shoulder before changing the topic. "But I'm curious. If not for street racing, what would you be doing?"

Lindsay took a second to consider the question. She responded when she formulated an answer, "You know, I used to love cars, and I still do. I also enjoy keeping myself busy with those management slash organising tasks. That's why when I stumbled upon street racing, I immediately knew that's what I wanted to do."

"But I'll admit, I am well aware of the risks and dangers of street racing," she continued. "If given the chance, I would move onto a legitimate job that I can handle. But I feel like my ties with street racing are too deep. I can't just simply walk away, if you know what I mean."

Lyst nodded when she met Lindsay's gaze. "I do, I once faced this same conundrum before. It's good that you're doing what you want. But if you wish to move on, just try to look for opportunities, and one might present itself some day."

"Sharing your aspirations with us is a good first step to chasing them," Ashley filled in. "Perhaps some day we might be able to help you with that."

Lindsay's face lit up. "Thanks, Ashley. Thanks, Lyst. You've made my day."

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