Chapter 21

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Forty treacherous minutes ticked by, and Lyst finally crossed the finish line to complete the final lap of what was a remarkable race for her. Team personnel lined up along the pitlane wall, clapping and cheering for her. Although she didn't actually win, the celebrations that the team threw at her after the race was enough to make her feel like she did.

Celebrations aside though, Lyst had a few obligations to fulfil as a podium finisher. Namely, media duties...

"Alystabella, how do you feel about your maiden podium in professional racing?" asked an interviewer as she shoved a microphone in front of Lyst's mouth.

"I'm over the moon." Lyst could hide the grin on her face while she recalled her memories of the race. "I mean, everything worked out perfectly today. I managed to grasp every opportunity I had to gain positions, and to defend against other drivers."

She glanced at the Powers garage in the distance, the engineers and mechanics in utter jubilation. "Of course, what happened today wouldn't have been possible without all the time and effort put in by every single person in the team. So, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards them."

Ashley, who was supervising the interview from a distance, held a thumbs up. Lyst returned with a sweet smile.

The interviewer gave a satisfied nod. She scrolled through her iPad before coming up with another question. "Now that there's only one race left this season, how do you see your future in racing?"

"Logan actually asked me that same question yesterday, and I'm gonna give you the same answer I gave him." She paused for a moment, building the suspense. "I don't know."

"That's it? You don't know?"

Lyst chuckled. "Yes. Of course, I would love to continue racing, and I hope they offer me a chance to do so." She placed her free hand on her hip. "But if there's anything I learned from the past year, it's that life can take a complete U-turn very easily. The future is not constant, y'know. I'll accept and embrace whatever path that's laid out in front of me, even if I don't continue racing."

"Those are some very wise words from a young woman like you," the interviewer remarked, which Lyst responded with a humble laugh. "Thank you for your time, Alystabella. I hope to see you soon."

"You too," replied Lyst. "Cheers." She turned and scooted off to where Ashley stood, wearing a smug grin on her face. They pulled each other into a brief hug, before taking their steps back to the Powers garage.

"You improved a lot, Lyst," said Ashley. "You sound confident, and for once you're not trying to piss someone off with your remarks."

"I'm just happy. The podium finish today put me in a fantastic mood." Lyst patted Ashley on the back. "Come, let's celebrate with the team, shall we?"


It was approximately eight months ago when Lyst last entered this room. Based on her memory, it hadn't changed a bit. The table in the middle still sat in the same position, with chairs still surrounding it. The water dispenser still pushed up against the back wall, ready for anyone thirsty to fill up their bottles. The same pictures hung on the four walls, and the potted plant hadn't grown a single bit.

It's definitely a fake plastic plant, she told herself.

Richard appeared from the doorway, holding a piece of paper. "Good to see you again, Lyst." He strolled over to the table, sitting down on a chair only after gesturing towards her to do the same. "Now, you must be wondering why I called you here today."

"I am," said Lyst. "Though I have my guesses."

"Very well. But I won't keep you in the dark." Richard cleared his throat. "As a team, we're really impressed with your performance in Belgium. So much so that we're offering a contract extension for you to drive for us next year."

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