Part 1

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This is a story about girl named Emma and her chaotic life she has. She is 18 years old. She lives in Bajamar, Spain with her parents. Soon she will turn 19 years and this year she will go to college.

I woke up like every other day. Nothing special to be honest. I checked if it is time to check how my application for college went and there are no news yet. I called my best friend Sofia to see if she has any news.
Phone rang 2 times and she answered.

Sofia: Hola. Que tal? I WAS ABOUT TO CALL YOU KNOW.

Me: I'm listeniiiing.


Me: NO WAYYYY, i'm SO happy for youuu, we will celebrate as soon as possible


Me: Noupp, there aren't any news yet...

Sofia: fingers crossed you got this!! Talk to you soon

Me: CONGRATS agaiiin 🥳

Sofia: thank you chica love youu

Me: love you too

I hope I got accepted anywhere near her I applied to university in Madrid, Barcelona and Sevilla.
I made my coffee and went for a run by the sea. I will miss being here with my people, with my family...
I hope it will all go well.

By the way my parents want to find family for me to live with, who need to babysit their kid or kids so I'm not by myself or alone. They have a lot of connections everywhere, my mom is architect and my dad is engineer. I hope I will follow my dad's steps to become engineer and to work with vehicles, he is currently working for formula 1 and he is doing great, he travels a lot, knows a lot of people and my mom is always on the call for new project but mostly this past 2-3 years she works mostly from home, she became very closed person because of accident but we are all and trying to live normal as much as we can.
I had one boyfriend in my life and he's name was Luka, he came from Italy to our highschool for 2 years and we became closer and closer everyday since he became student in our highschool but we parted our ways because he was toxic, possesive, manipulative and everything I never thought person can be but I never told my parents because I was afraid of their reaction and that happened not long after the accident and I didn't want to put more pain than there is in our hearts...

I was deep into thinking by the sea and by myself when I just fell into it and hurt my ankle. Not long after that I feel someone pushing me out of water. Some boy with brown hair, brown eyes and maybe tall 5'9' I saw it when we were both out of water.
Me: thank you so much really, i'm just a little clumsy and just not thinking.

XxX: *he laughed a little* it is okay i saw it i hope i helped you, do you need any help to get to home or anywhere?

Me: no it is okay *i laughed back* thank you so much, have a great day

XxX: you too and take care, look around *he laughed and left*

I didn't catch his name because he looked like he was in a hurry but is i great to know that there are people who take care of each other still no matter if they do or do not know you.

I went back slowly home because of an ankle. When I came in my mom was extremely happy and I wasn't sure what it was about.

Mom: EMMAAA YOU MADE IIIT. I'm sooo proud of youuu.

I was a little bit in shock because I haven't seen her this happy for a long long timee. She hugged me tightly I hardly could breathe.

Me: thank youu? What happeneed?


I started to scream, cry, jump and feel every emotion in that moment. I was soooo happy I could not believe that. I called all people but firstly Sofia so we could celebrate this evening and to use this time we had because we had only 2 weeks before college.

I wore a top with rhinestones and black full length pants and black bit heels. Sofia went with a classic red dress and red lipstick, it is sooo her.
We went to a club near our city where our generations goes usually and some football players from all over the Spain. On fridays are the best parties. I'm not such a big fan of football i prefer volleyball and basketball but because of our country i know most football players and clubs, on the other hand Sofia is a big big fan of football, she is a big fan of Barcelona and she was only mad because she isn't in the same city as me because of the football.
We went to party, it was awesome and in one moment Sofia's eyes widen up. I look at where she is looking and I saw some boys. She screamed in my ear OMG EMMA LOOK LOOK.

I didn't recognize who she wanted me to look at to be precise and she just melted, she was so cute when she saw someone cute or someone she likes.

She was gorgeous and most guys were falling for her. She had beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous blonde  long hair and there was me with medium brown hair and brown eyes. You would probably say for me basic but I loved it.

Some guys came over to us but I wasn't intetested and Sofia wasn't too, the only guy she was interested she saw with another girl and we continue to party so she wouldn't be sad.

* fast forward 2 weeks*
My parents found a beautiful family from their friends. Their friends are close with this family. Their names are Maria and Juan and they have a little girl Lucia and a little boy Daniel, they are twins and 4 years old. My responsibility would be to take them to kindergarten before college, to pick them up after and after I finish my obligations with it to take care of them because their parents are busy with their work as medical proffesionals, their mom is a general surgeon and their dad is a neurosurgeon.

I packed my bags for college, my schedule is soo full and I will get to go home once a month only unfortunately but I have a lot of lessons and practice. I cried a little bit before I went because this is a first separation from my parents after almost 19 years and sadly they won't make it to my birthday because of their schedule. My mom got a job in Monaco and she will be there for a month and my dad needs to be with formula 1 squad because there is a 2 months of race left.
My college started and I was a little nervous because of the new environment, new people, new city, new life and it felt also refreshing, like my life is starting a new chapter because it is.

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