Part 11

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* race *
We got back to watch the race. It was such an amazing experience to watch it. Pedri and I were cheering for ferrari and tried to be as loud as we can. It was kinda of fun for a change.
Charles won the first place and I was so happy for that beautiful human being and as soon as he came back to greet engineers and others, I hugged him as I saw him and congratulate him. Pedri was making face but I just ignored it.
I still don't know what to think about him but whatever.
We took pictures with Charles and Carlos before we head home and of course we talked with my dad and congratulate to him and the team before we went.
My dad and Pedri were going a long just fine. I even think he likes him as my boyfriend even tho he unfortunately doesn't know he is fake but I can't say anything.
Pedri: this was fun.
Me: what happened to you?
Pedri: a change of environment i would say. I'm always on the pitch and this is a good and refreshing change. Thank you and to your father.
Me: you're welcome "boyfriend"
He left me home and I spent the rest of the day with kids and talking about the race how it went and who did we see there because there were a loooot of people.
* the next day *
I did my usual routine and I picked to wore my black little dress with a white crop buttoned shirt with long sleeves and of course my black comfy heels. I put my hair on one side, made curls and put it in a ponytail.
Pedri look at me from top to bottom twice.
Me: are you okay?
Pedri: yeah...i..just..uhm.
Me: what? Cat ate your tongue or what?
Pedri: i was just in my mind. You look nice.
Me: oh thank you?
I looked at him in shock. I'm always suprised when he says something nice but I feel special when says something like that rather than when someone is always telling me I look good, on this hand I hear it when i hope the least and it feels good.
We had a small talk until we came to the stadium but of course before entering Pedri stopped to greet fans because he knows how much it means to them when their idol does this and I loved this version of him when is nice to people, when he talked to them and comforted them because some kids started to cry when they saw him.
When we entered we saw his teammates and greeted them as he held my hand. People got used to us for this little time so it wasn't akward and without any scenes finally. We separated so I can do my work and he can go to his practice.
After 2 hours of work I decided to go to kitchen to make something to eat but I overheard voices and it was from Gavi and Pedri. I stopped and listened what they had to say.
Gavi: you have to do this as soon as possible.
Pedri: i know she is amazing girl, but i'm not sure if it's something there. I feel like it is one sided unfortunately.
Gavi: c'mon you must be blind. I have experience and this is everything but not one side.
Pedri: i just wish i could kiss her again like before i did and hug her.
Gavi: you will, you just need time, be patient, everything will come to its place.
They must be talking about Carmen. I have to do something to pair them up, because Pedri is talking really sweet about her, this is the first time I heard him talk about a girl and about feelings because usually he doesn't like to talk about that theme but Gavi is his best friend. I went to bathroom to think about of what I could do and I got an idea. I just needed to find her adress so I can make my plan work. I looked through everything and used milions of sources so I can find that damn adress so I can finish this.
I don't know why but my heart sank when I heard those words coming from him, i just must be stupid. I must forbid myselt to think. The best option for now.

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