Part 13

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Me: well where do I start?

Pedri: from beginning I guess.

Me: idiot...
*he chuckled*

Me: whatever I do for you I feel like it is just not good, you act like you have some mental illness. You want to get back with ex, I try to help you and you get mad. What the hell.

Pedri: i don't need your help.

Me: okay whatever. Can we go now?

Pedri: i'm sorry if i was harsh

Me: i got used to it. I want to go so I can play with kids.

Pedri: okay..
We went silent in the car and just said bye before i left.
Lucia and Daniel were in a very good mood today so I took them for a walk and to play on the beach. It was awesome weather so why not use it.
As I was about help Lucia with her stuff someone with a hoodie on its head took Daniel and started to run. I took Lucia as fast as I could and ran as fast as I can. As I was about hit that person, he turned around and my hand hit him right in the face.
It was Pedri.

Pedri: chill you beast.

Me: i'm sorry I couldn't just let someone kidnapp the kids
I whispered *asshole*

Me: are you okay?

Pedri: yeah, next time hit harder.

He winked at me. Kids were laughing around, good energy finally.
We played on the beach. I pushed him into the water and he picked me up and just throw me into the sea.

Me: what am I ? A trash to throw me like that?

Pedri: a cute one
*he smiled*
Again his confuzing behaviour but let's just continue and enjoy as he is in a good mood. We played for a good hour or two and he took us back to house. His aunt and uncle seemed happy when they saw us. I guess we are good in this pretending game.
* next day *
He picked me up and we went for a coffee first to refresh ourselves.
I got a message from Charles and as I read it my coffee dropped.
Charles: Hey Emma, i hope you are doing well, i have bad news to say to you. Our after race time in Barcelona didn't went well afterwards. As we practiced for another race your dad got into an accident and he is in a hospital. I'm sorry.
My eyes started to get watery and Pedri saw it and he looked at me.
Pedri: hey are you okay?
Me: please just take me to hospital now, i need to see my dad and please say that I need day off it is emergency.

Pedri: that makes two of us.

Me: but you have practice.

Pedri: and you need someone.
I was glad he cared in this situation. We went to hospital as soon as we could and I saw Charles and Carlos and I hugged them both and started to cry.

Charles: they didn't let us in. They waited for family first to tell them what happened.

Me: did my mom came?

Charles: she got some problem with visa because she is in another country.

Me: oh God...
I put my head down I felt alone. As I was about to open door myself, Pedri took my hand and just gave me a look that he is going with me. I gave him a little smile.
We went into the room and my dad was sleeping and doctor and nurse were beside him.

Dr: hello, my name is Dr Gray and you are family I suppose.

Me: yes i am his daughter and this is my boyfriend.

Dr: i have a good and bad news.

Me: please first good.

Dr: he has a good chance of surviving and a bad news is that he is in comma and we don't know for how long it is gonna be. He had some brain damages as he fell down after he was hit by a racing car. The hit was hard.

Me: oh my God...
I started to cry I just hope that he will awake, i need to believe it , he can do it. We went through more harsh stuff...

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