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Fionna rocked back and forth in her rocking chair, singing a lullaby to her now nine month old baby bump.

She was pregnant with a baby girl, our second child.

When she was sixteen, we had a little mishap. We kind of broke the condom. She wasn't happy at first saying that she was going to be a horrible mother and that she didn't want to end up on those teen pregnancy shows. We went through hell trying to tell Finn. He practically ripped my head off, saying I soiled his baby sister's innocence.

I wanted to say I did more than that, but judging by the situation I was in, it was best to keep my mouth shut.

Cake and Jake were surprisingly chill about it, though they sat me down and said that I needed to step up to the plate of being a dad.

Nine months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl as the rain fell outside. She was a fully fledged vampire, which was a shock, but we would've loved her anyway.

Fionna decided to name her Misa, seeing as the baby started giggling when she said it.

That was three years ago. Fionna was now 19. We got married shortly after Misa was born and yes, she is a vampire. I made sure it was fine with everyone in the family before I turned her. Marcy turned Finn a few months after that. There were officially no more humans left in the world.

As for Fionna's education, she graduated. She did her school work during pregnancy, but in the comfort of the house.

Misa then ran into the room where Fionna was sitting.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She demanded. She looked just like her mother. Golden blonde hair already reaching her shoulders. She raised her arms, clenching and unclenching her hands, signaling that she wanted to be picked up.

Misa was a handful. A very spirited and artistic child. She was very smart for a three year old and a very sassy. She would stomp her foot and jut out her tiny hip if she didn't get what she wanted. And if you so much as touched her apple juice, oh she would make sure you'd regret it.

Fionna chuckled and picked her up, setting her on her lap. "Mommy when is baby comming? I wanna see her!" She said, gently rubbing her mommy's stomach.

"Hello in there. I'm your big sister Misa! We're gonna have so much fun together!" She giggled, kissing Fionna's pregnant belly. I smile from the doorway, leaning on the frame.

Misa then looked at me and gasped," Daddy's home!" She giggled hoping off her mom and running towards me. I pick her up and squeeze her, kissing her on the forhead.

"Was my little lamia good for mommy and baby today?" I asked her and she played with my cheeks. She nodded her head, smiling brightly and proudly.

"Yeah! I got mommy some strawberries and some juice and played with baby!" She smiled showing off her baby fangs.

I chuckle and walk over to Fionna, pecking her on the lips. She smiled and chuckled, "Y'know she gave me some of her apple juice today."

I look at Misa playfully,"And you won't give daddy any?" I say. She laughs and shakes her head.

Fionna laughs with her. And stands up, wobbling at first. "Ugh, little one here keeps giving me some scares. Besides she's due any day now" she breathes.

I put Misa down and picked up Fionna, carrying her to our room. We lived in my house in the cave sense the treehouse let too much light in.

I set her down on the bed and sat next to her. Misa stood in the doorway, her hands twisting around each other and a worried look on her face. "Is mommy okay?" She said quietly. Fionna smiled and motioned for her to come here. She ran over to the bed and crawled over to us, sitting in between our bodies and setting her hand and head on Fionna's stomach.

"Please come quick. I don't want mommy to feel bad that she can't see you right now." She sniffed, "And I really wanna meet you." she said kissing her stomach again. Fionna smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of Misa's face.

"Don't worry, baby."Fionna smiled,"You'll see you little sister soon okay?" Misa nodded and yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay,"I said picking her up, "daddy's gonna put you to bed now. Say good night to mommy." I say leaning her towards Fionna so she could kiss her.

I then carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. "Daddy'll see you in the morning, okay lamia?"

She nodded and stood up to leave. "Daddy?" She said suddenly. I turn and sit back down on the bed next to her.


"Is mommy gonna be okay?" She said cuddling up to Hamba. I gave it to her after she was born. She carries it everywhere.

I kiss her forehead and nodd. "Your mommy is really strong. She'll be fine"

She nods and smiles. I smile back, getting up, and leaving the room.

~Time Skip~

Fionna's P.O.V

I wake up feeling something moist on my leg. Oh shit. OH SHIT!

I let out a soft groan as a contraction hit. I smack Marshall on the arm and he grumbles. I growl and smack him harder. "Wake up you jackass!" I yell. He slowly sits up and looks at me. As soon as he saw my pained face, he cursed and fell off the bed. He ran to the phone and dialed in a number.

"Oh shit, Marcy! Get over here- I KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! She's giving birth!" He yelled in the phone.

That was about all I heard until another big wave of pain hit. I groaned again. "Oh fuuuuuuuuck! You little shit! I love you but you're hurting mommy." I say rubbing my stomach.

I looked up to see Misa standing at the doorway, a scared look on her face. I smile through the pain,"It's okay baby. Mommy's just so happy that I can finally see baby! Just go downstairs and wait for Auntie Marcy."

Her face brightened as she nodded and ran downstairs. I rolled over and groaned again. "Marshall I gotta push!" I heave

That's when Marceline ran into the room and adjusted my position. "Fi when I tell you to, push." she said gently.

Marshall went to my side and gripped my hand as I pushed. The pain was unbearable and I let out a high pitched scream. Though I've felt the feeling of my vagina tearing before, it was worse than the first time.

"One more." She said.

I gave one last push until I heard crying. My baby. I want my baby.

"Here's my beautiful baby girl." Marcy smiled, handing me a bundle in a purple blanket. I start to tear up as I see her face.

She looked like me but she had Marshall's raven colored hair and his long eyelashes. Without thinking I said "My little Leah." tears of joy streaming down my face.

She smiled, grabbing my finger, as I said her name. Marshall then took her after me and brushed her cheek with his finger. "She's beautiful Fi." Marshall said kissing me on the forehead.

Misa then ran into the room with the biggest smile I have seen her wear. "You wanna hold your sister lamia?" Marshall said sweetly. She nodded and sat on the bed next to me.

Once she held her in her arms, she kissed and hugged her gently. "What did you name her?" She said looking at me.

I smile, look at Marshall, then back at her. "Her name is Leah."

She smiled again looked at her newborn sister. "Hi Leah. I'm Misa, your big sister. We're gonna be best friends."

Marshall smiled and looked at me. "Thank you for giving me two beautiful children Fi."

I smile and hold his cheek, shortly falling asleep afterwards.


Thank my matesprit/ best friend _Asuki_ for the hilarious picture XD

I hope you guys loved the story! New one may be coming around June 6th! Til then! Love you!


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