Chapter 17

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Fionna's P.O.V

The fear was soon replaced by anger. I was going to beat Marshall to a pulp when he comes back. How dare he keep this from me!

I have dealt with cheshire cats before! I know how to banish them. Hell, the fucker was with me when I did it too!

Ashley saw my anger and smirked. "Fionna, love , when you beat him, can you throw in a few punches for me?" she giggled.

I smiled and giggled also, pulling her into a hug. She smiled a genuine smile and hugged back.

"Of course. After what he did when you two were together, he deserves a few." I pull back. She puts a hand to my cheek and kisses my forehead before disappearing through my phone.

I was kinda used to it. I now saw Ashley as an older sister I can tell anything. She is so sweet and warm hearted, why would Marshall do that to her? Well one thing is for sure, if he even thinks about cheating on me, he's got another thing coming.

I unlock the door and step out to see Marshall, who had his hand raised about to knock on the door. All of the anger from earlier, had come rushing back.

"You piece of shit. How dare you not tell me. Instead I had to find out through your ex-girlfriend." I said being deathly calm.

His head turned back to me, his eyes slightly agape. He was about to yell, when I slapped him.

"You don't have the right to yell right now, because there is nothing for you be mad at. I, on the other hand, am going to beat the crap out of you." I said stepping forward.

He stepped back with a small glint of fear flashing by his maroon colored eyes. "Fionna, you know I was only doing this to protect you." he said shakily.

I lost it. All the cool, calmness, I had went flying out the window. Bye Bye.

"You did it to protect me!? Marshall locking me in a room, for a month, was not the best decision! You knew eventually I would snap, yet you still did it! And you had the audacity to not even tell me, the person you are 'protecting' ,what you are protecting me from!!" ,I screamed, " The sad part is, I had to find out through your ex-girlfriend, instead of the person I love!!"

His ears perked up once he heard that I loved him, but quickly went back down as I continued.

"You're a piece of shit boyfriend, you really are! But you better pray and thank almighty gog that I still love you, or you would be lying dead on this floor-" I was cut off when I felt cold lips on mine.

He was kissing me firmly, indicating that he wanted me to hush. The harsh scowl on my face melted into a soft look.

I couldn't think. My mind was blank. My legs felt weak and wobbly, as if they'd give out at any moment. After all this time, his kisses still have that effect on me.

I slowly kissed him back and closed my eyes. I felt him smirk and wrap an arm around my waist while my hands were placed on his chest.

As quickly as it started, it stopped as he pulled back slowly, with a smirk.

"Are you done?" He chuckled

I punched him softly in the chest, and looked away blushing. "You know I hate it when you do that."

He lightly brushed his lips on my forehead, and smiled. "Ah, but it made you forgive me didn't it?" he chuckled.

I pecked him lightly on the lips with a ghost of a smile. "Doesn't it always?"

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