Chapter 16

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~1 month later~

Fionna's P.O.V

I was still in the guest room of Marcy's house. I have been trapped in here with nothing to do.Well, almost nothing to do, if you get what I'm hinting at.

I was currently chewing out my boyfriend yet again. He still hasn't told me who he was trying to keep me from.

"Marshall I want to go home! I can't be confined to this room anymore! " I said yelling at the vampire, grabbing fistfuls of my golden hair.

I have been trapped in this room for a month. Marshall has brought all my work from school to me, so I am still caught up in my studies.

I am so sick and tired of staying in this room. I haven't been able to see my brother, or Cake or Jake. I don't care if I'm in danger! I feel like I am about to snap.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "Fionna, I've already told you. You can not leave this room. I know your frustrated


"No! I can't be here anymore! I feel like a prisoner." I sit on the bed , and turn so my back was to him. The tears were falling down my cheeks now.

He still hadn't told me what he was protecting me from. And I don't care anymore. I feel as if my sanity will snap at any moment when I'm here. I don't care if I'm being overdramatic. How would you feel if you were trapped in one room for a month, and can't do anything for your self. You always have to have something gotten for you.

Being an adventuress means that I am independent, I feel like I am capable of doing anything myself. But being in this death trap is making me feel more and more dependent.

He sits on the bed and reaches to put an arm around me. I shook it off and turned the other way, my back still facing him.

He sighed and sat at the edge of the bed, putting his elbows on his knees and looked down. "Fionna, I don't know what else to do."

I sighed. "At least tell me what you are protecting me from. I could help, or-"

"No." He didn't yell. He just said it plain and simple. I felt my stomach knot up in anger. I whip around and glare at him. Now I am beyond pissed.

"You know what!? Yes! You will tell me! I'm not asking anymore! You have kept this shit from me for a month! You will stop treating me like your child, and start treating me as your girlfriend!" I shout.

His head whips around at my sudden outburst. He returns my glare and stands up. "Maybe if you stop acting like one, maybe I'll stop treating you like one." and with that, he turned around and headed toward the door.

"God damn you Marshall! I am sixteen going on fucking seventeen now! So help me god, if you don't tell me...." I started, but I hadn't caught his attention.

That bastard.

I growled. I picked up the bedside lamp and threw it at him. It barely missed, and hit the wall beside him. He turned around and gawked at me.

Tears of frustration were streaming down my face. I got off of the bed and ran to the bathroom, locking it behind me. I slump against the door and cry silently.

He was silent on the other side of the door. Contemplating on wether or not just to knock on the door, or wait for me to come out.

I heard him sigh, and leave the room, shutting the door behind him. It was then that I let all the tears flow.

Why does he insist on treating me like this when he knows it pisses me off. I understand he is like way older than me, but at least he could have the decency to accept the fact that I'm mature enough to handle problems when it involves danger.

I sniffle and wipe off some tears that were still streaming. I felt my phone vibrate from inside of my jean pocket. I sigh and answer it.

Oddly enough, there was nothing on the other end. Just static. I looked at my phone screen and noticed a very faint purple tint in the light. I put my phone on the floor knowing what was going to happen.

Sure enough, in a matter of seconds, Ashley appeared and crouched down the my level once she saw the tears.

"Fionna, darling, what is the matter?" she said gently.

All through this month, this was how she visited me. Yes, the others put a charm on every opening around the house, but she can still travel through devices that are already in the house. Though her powers are limited.

" Ashley, he won't tell me because he thinks a child of me! I want to know so I can maybe help, but he makes it seem as if I'm a fragile piece if glass, that could shatter at the slightest touch." I say, no longer crying ,but sulking.

She sat in front of me and crossed her arms. "Fionna, I will tell you. You clearly have a right to know whom you are hiding from."

Excitement boiled through my body. "Okay."

She sighed and looked at me. "The person who wants you dead is....."

I was going ask how she knew, until a familiar name left her lips. All my excitement left my body, and was replaced by fear. My blood ran cold and I froze.

"Boris" she said.



Yes, I know its like really short but I idiotically undid a lot of my typing and ultimately had to restart, buuuuuut i wrote down what I could remember.

Right now I am so tired my eyes are crossing just writing this. I dont even remember writing half of this story, i shit you not. I may have given this chap a few spelling errors but im too tired to effing care.

I promise the next chappy WILL BE LONGER! at least this is on time.

I love you guys ~ <3


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