Chapter 9

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Fionna's P.O.V

I lugged Marshall around all day, going into different stores, putting on the most tightest shirts and asking him how I looked.

For each one he would blush, stand awkwardly behind anything he could find that hid the lower half of his body, me and you both know what he was trying to hide, would clear his throat and say, "L-Looks great babe."

But, in the end I got out of the mall with 6 pairs of bras and panties from VS, NO Marshall wasn't allowed in there with me or in the store, 7 shorts , 7 jeans, 8 tank tops, and 9 shirts from Hot Topic that all had these cute sayings on them.

Good thing my boyfriend is a vampire, cause with all that stuff i game out with twelve bags.

When we got back in the house, we went up to my room and put my bags down.

"Whew! Now I gotta put my stuff up." I said bending down to get the clothes out of the bags.

I put them in my closet and drawers, making sure to fold them up neatly.

Marshall was leaning on the door frame staying quiet and staring at me.

I stood in front of him putting my hand on my hips. " May i help you.?"

He smirked ,picked me ,up threw me on the bed ,and got on top of me, holding my hands down.

"Fi you drove me to this. You have been teasing and torturing me all day with your sexyness," he paused for dramatic effect," Now, you know I cant wait until tomorrow, and right now I'm bored as hell!"

I smirked and wrapped my legs around him, bringing him toward me more, and also making him lose his grip on my arms, so i could wrap my arms around his neck.

"Oh Marsh you know I would do anything to keep you occupied, but I said tomorrow," I said giving him a long kiss," and I meant it." I said smirking.

He looked disappointed and said" Fine" when he started to get off me, but not before I pulled him down until my lips were close to his ear.

"But, that doesn't mean we cant have a little fun in the mean time." I whispered.

He got a devilish grin on his face, leaned in and kissed me deeply, his arms wrapped tight around waist.

I could've stayed like that for hours. It felt like hours.

But on occasions we had to break so I could get air, him being a vampire he didn't need it.

But when I needed air his lips would move to my neck.

Oh my Glob! Guys it may seem like I'm torturing him, but I'm torturing myself more.

If you knew how long I've waited for him to hold me like this and kiss me like this ,you would be shocked.

Then Marshall started pulling off my shirt. Oh my Glob!

"Nuh -uh Marsh." I said pulling apart breathing heavily

He gave me a puppy dog face and batted his 'eylashes' at me.

I laughed "Sorry dude, not this time!" I said giving him a quick kiss before getting off the bed.

"Hey Marshall?" I asked

"Hmm?" he replied looking dazed

"How many girls have you dated before me?" i asked

He looked a little nervous at first, then he relaxed some.

"How many dudes have you dated?" he said grinning

"Hey , don't answer my question with a question. Im serious." I smiled smacking him on the arm.

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