Chapter 14

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Marshall's P.O.V

Fionna grabbed my hand dragged me out of the door. I smile and sling my hand over her soulder. She giggles and blushes. Glob! She's just so damn cute! Just as cute as when I first met her.

I remember that day perfectly.


The six year old brother and five year old sister were playing in the woods near their tree house. The little girl's bunny cap flopping heavily around her eyes practically drowning her out. A boy with a bear cap was chasing her with a wooden sword, poking her thigh.

"Stop iiit!" She cries out laughing. The boy giggles and pokes her thigh again. My sister and I were trying to get to sleep. It was too early in the afternoon.

We went out to find them near the cave we were currently living in. I groan " What the fuck? Don't these brats know the meaning of sleep?" My sister rolls her eyes and suggested we scare them away. I smiled deviously and agreed.

Any normal child, whatever species, would run in fear at the sight of danger or monsters like us. But these children were not normal children, mentally wise.

I move swiftly around the bushes, snapping twigs and shaking the bushes. Marcy did the same. The boy looked around, looked at his sister and they both shrugged carrying on with their game.

I growl and go for plan 'B'. My eyes start to glow with demonic aura and I step out of my hiding place and go into the shadows. "Don't you know these woods are dangerous?" I say darkly. The girl turns to me and smiles. "You know there are monsters out here." My sister says from next to me.

The boy faces my sister and smiles also. My sister and I exchange weird glances and turn out attention back on the children. The little girl comes up to me holding her hands behind her back and rolls back and fourth on her heals.

"Hi! I'm Fionna!" she says gleefully. I just stare at her. Why isn't she running, she doesn't even have a glint of fear in her eyes. The boy goes to my sister and puts his thumb to his chest, "And I'm Finn."

"Our sister Cake said it's nice to introduce yourselves when you meet someone new!" Fionna said stepping closer. Finn did the same. " So now it's your turn. Who are you?" He said crossing his arms.It was only until then that I realized how small they were. Fionna was about 5 inches shorter than her brother, and Finn was no taller than my leg.

"Well aren't you a little badass." My sister smiles and steps out of the shadows with me behind her. They stare at us.

'Finally! Some fear from those two' I thought. Oh how I was wrong. Fionna jumps on my chest and climbs up my shirt so we are face to face. What the fuck?!

"You look weird mister!" She said clutching my shirt tightly. Her big baby blue eyes were staring into my demonic red ones. Our noses touching. What the fuck is wrong with this child!?

Finn goes up to my sister. He holds out his hand and says " Well whoever you guys are it's cool to meet you!". Marcy hesitantly takes his hand and shakes it.

Fionna turns her head away from me and looks at my sister."Wow! You're pretty!" she gasps. Marceline turn towards her and started blushing. "Aww thank you! Your so adorable!" she gushes. She comes toward Fionna and takes her off of me, snuggling her close while the bunny-eared girl giggles.

I look at my sister. As if she felt my stare , she looks at me. I give her a look that says 'what the actual fuck dude! we are supposed to be scaring them off.'

She replies with a 'well how did that turn out dumbass?' look. She sets the little girl down. "What's your name?" Fionna asks. Marcy smiles " I'm Marceline the Vampire Queen. And this is my brother-" she elbows me in the side.

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